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11/05/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 4

I'm at 308,616 words: 6738 words into November (where I should be at 6667 for regular NaNo, so I'm slightly ahead now), with 1942 written since yesterday. So I'm back on track! Whoo.

(Well, technically it's twenty minutes to four AM, so it's not quite today. But I attended two parties today, so I don't think you can blame me for making up for it by writing into the middle of the night.)

I might still write a bit more before going to sleep - I'm thinking about getting something to eat, and I'd write while eating - but anyway, I'm feeling reasonably good about my progress now, as well as about my determination to write. I finished chapter 64 this afternoon and am on the third page of chapter 65 at the moment; it'll probably be somewhat on the long side so I don't know if I'll finish it tomorrow, but hopefully the day after that.

There are a lot of bits that are going to need substantial additional work during the editing - I'm really feeling the oh-dear-this-is-way-too-fast-to-be-any-good. Remember how I'd edited and posted the entirety of The Fall of a Leader by sometime in January, when I did that for NaNo? Yeah, no, that's not going to happen here. Still expect I'm going to spend my days being I FINISHED MY FIC MUST EDIT enough for it to not take years or something, but definitely longer than TFoaL.


Thomas_10 (11/05/2012 13:37:54)
When you're done editing Ch. 63, PLEASE POST IT!!!! This fic is SO EPIC!!! I hope you get done for NaNoWriMo, but how is Mark and co. going to catch them in time?! TQftL is awesome, I hope you stay ahead of the word count :^).

Hey, have you considered making it an app? It might be a dumb or hard idea, but still.
Thomas_10 (11/05/2012 13:38:51)
Sorry, meant ch.64.
Butterfree (11/05/2012 15:14:43)
Well, of course I'll post the chapters when I'm done editing them - what else would I do with them? - but the editing doesn't happen until after November; that's the idea with NaNo. I'm going to march on writing unedited shameless crap until the end of the month (with that unedited shameless crap hopefully covering the full remainder of the story by that point), and then I can start working it into something presentable and post it.

So the earliest you could get these chapters (without some kind of miracle where I finish the fic halfway through the month) is sometime in December. Given I just posted chapter 62 and I usually take way more than a month writing chapters, that's not so bad by my standards nonetheless, but do be at least that patient.

To paraphrase my answer when someone suggested making an app for The Cave of Dragonflies, the idea of apps is generally that they do something, whereas a fanfic is just a bunch of text that doesn't do anything. I suppose there could be an app whose only function is providing offline access to the story, but it would be a dreadfully boring one and not really something worth learning a new programming language to make, or any of the other associated bother. (I don't even have a smartphone, to put this in perspective; I'd never even be able to properly test if it worked without going to pains to borrow someone else's.) There are probably generalized apps for easily saving web pages and accessing them offline in an organized way, anyway.

Thanks for your enthusiasm!
Thomas_10 (11/05/2012 22:50:00)
Sorry. Yeah, I tried saving a few offline, but it didn't really work. This story is epic, though.

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