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11/01/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 1

I'm probably not done writing for today yet, but so far I'm at 303,960 words, which means 2082 words since yesterday, and chapter 63 is done (as well as the "Chapter 64:" with which the title of chapter 64 starts). Which is a pretty good first day! Only thirteen chapters left.

Also, fun things are happening. There is Robin Riverstone. (Look! She wasn't Random Side Character #451 with too many random personal details!) And Chaletwo is now in May's head. I don't think I'm going to be able to resist making gleeful comments about what I'm writing as I progress, which will probably make increasingly less sense as I go on.

Also also, I am using opaltiger's computer! This is exciting.


opaltiger (11/01/2012 22:09:48)
Alas, she remembered to log out.
Thomas_10 (11/02/2012 01:59:11)
I know I'm starting to seem like a spammer, but YAY!!!!!!!!

You can do it, Butterfree!!!!!!!!
Sapph (11/03/2012 14:03:30)
you can do it

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