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02/04/2012: Chapter 60 up

Chapter 60: The Swarm

Sorry it took longer than I thought. I figured it would be in the six-seven pages range, but it turned out to be thirteen, and then I kept redoing bits that didn't seem right.

As I said, it's about Scyther. I'm not sure how well this chapter works for people who haven't read the spin-offs; nothing about it should be confusing without it, but some lines probably won't really have any meaning to you. I don't know how much that hurts one's ability to enjoy the chapter on the whole.

Thanks enormously to opaltiger for beta-reading.

Then it's chapter 61. I don't know how long it'll take. It is a plot chapter, though, which is nice. Will it intrigue you if I tell you the working title is 'Mewtwo'?

EDIT: I added to Nightmare's character ramble.


Kevin (02/04/2012 18:08:06)
Wasn't expecting this today; quite a nice surprise.
Polymetric Sesquialtera (02/04/2012 18:57:06)
I'm on the verge of tears. That was honestly adorable. Probably one of my favorite chapters in the entire fic so far; it's extremely emotional for someone who's read the Scyther spin-offs (which in themselves are pretty damn emotional; I think I remember crying quite a bit at a certain Scyther's death in the what-was-it-third? fourth? part of Fall of a Leader) and just generally well-written. That was terrific.
SilverLatios47 (02/04/2012 19:22:06)
Whew! This had to be the most painful wait for a chapter since Polaryu, for me, and it sure doesn't disappoint. I'm glad how things are looking for the swarm, and now I'm back to being anxious for the next chapter. I wish you luck in getting this one done- I am indeed intrigued.
Scaldaver (02/04/2012 21:30:51)
Really love this chapter. So emotional (even for someone who hasn't read the Scyther spin off fic). Can we have a more plot developmental chapter next?
Butterfree (02/04/2012 22:08:57)
Scaldaver: Yes, the next chapter is a plot-developmental chapter, as I said in the blog post.

Thanks for the comments, all. I'm glad the chapter went over well with everyone.
Linds (02/05/2012 01:08:45)
That was a really nice chapter. You should write more about the swarm. Maybe another spin-off? I would love to see how everything turns out.
ribbit3 (02/06/2012 03:20:01)
hmm looks like my finding this site was great timing, just finished chapter 60 (after reading all the extras and spin-offs I skipped) and I have to say it was great. it really tied everything with the swarm and the various scyther (plus nightmare) together; I can't wait to see what comes next, even if there's limited mention of the swarm at all
Piglet (02/18/2012 03:34:40)
Looking forward to next chappie :) . Keep up the work, I've been following this story for a few years.
ribbit3 (04/03/2012 22:08:31)
the time passing only makes me more impatient; I can't wait for the next part…maybe I should read what's currently available on the other version in the meantime.

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