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07/14/2011: The Best Thing Ever

So Chibi Pika hasn't yet responded to my plea to crosspost this here but I imagine they won't mind.

BASICALLY this makes every goddamn minute of the nine years I've spent writing this fic completely worth it. Chibi Pika is God. The end.

(Context: a silly joke in the QftL thread on Serebii about how Chaletwo is going to decide to become a pimp and stop caring about the War of the Legends. But you shouldn't care about the context, damn it.)

And, uh, chapter 58 is almost done. But who cares about the chapter when you can have pimp!Chaletwo? :D


Umbreon (07/14/2011 22:50:01)
haha that is truly epic!
Mudskipper (07/15/2011 05:20:39)
Oh god I lol'd.
Pure Umbreon (07/15/2011 15:00:44)
Bahahaha! That is a pretty awesome picture. =)
Everglider (07/16/2011 05:26:50)
Is that a dead Leafeon I see…? *Scratches head in confusion*

EDIT: Chibi Pika? They're not on the users list…
Butterfree (07/16/2011 14:07:29)
Chibi Pika is from the forums. Hence why it's based on an in-joke from there.

Also, it's a dead Natruler (the Grass-type unicorn), not a Leafeon. It's the War of the Legends going on in the background. xP
The Omskivar (07/17/2011 04:30:31)
This is indeed the best thing ever.
Ninjask (07/17/2011 12:28:45)
Where can I get a hat like Mewtwo's? That's what makes this the best thing ever. ;)
Leafpool (07/17/2011 19:04:29)
I now want to dress like Chaletwo just because I can
sarahc (10/12/2011 00:59:35)
It's funny, but what makes Chaletwo a pimp in the picture? *shot for being clueless*
Butterfree (10/12/2011 01:20:16)
The outfit and cane pretty much embody stereotypical pimp-dom.

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