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06/29/2011: Chapter 58 progress

Chapter 58 is coming along at a surprisingly decent speed. It's going to be quite short and I'm already on the third page. I've been looking forward to it for a while, which probably explains how it's so much faster than the past few chapters, but I'm still rather pleased with myself after thinking my ability to write faster than a snail had permanently left TQftL for silly Morphic extras.

This chapter is all about Letaligon, and I hope fans of her subplot will appreciate it. This and chapter sixty are, in the current chapter plan, the last purely character-focused chapters in the fic, and I'm hoping to make the most of them because I like character-focused chapters.


SilverLatios47 (06/30/2011 01:32:53)
First haha!
Being a bit fan of the Pokemon itself makes me really love Letaligon, and I'm really excited to see what will likely be the conclusion of her spotlight. The technical part of me hopes she stays with Mark in the end, because she's so strong, but I don't see that happening. (Crazy Predicition- Chapter 60 centers around May and her sudden character development)
SilverLatios47 (06/30/2011 05:15:35)
Oh and I'm not sure if this is the place to tell you but the year number on the About page needs to be updated. xD
Tiffano (07/03/2011 05:51:28)
Squee~ Fifth page, estimate of 5-6 pages.
Pure Umbreon (07/04/2011 19:22:03)
Letaligon character advancement? Yes please!
chimpchar (07/07/2011 01:26:08)
so you're almost done
Karpi (07/09/2011 01:03:31)
Yes! I've been waiting for Letaligon's moment of truth for years now!
rctmasta (07/10/2011 22:31:55)
*clapclapclap* good show. You're officially my favorite Icelandic person.

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