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02/14/2011: TV Tropes

Since I just discovered yesterday that apparently TQftL has had a TV Tropes page for a while and I never noticed, I figured I might as well link it on the menu, because we all love TV Tropes.

As with the Morphic page, I prefer to be minimally involved (…though I permitted myself to rewrite the description because the old one was ridiculously long and went into oodles of completely extraneous details that only served to make it spoilerrific and thus defeat the entire point of a description, and then I couldn't resist adding a couple of really obvious tropes, but I hope to never be tempted to do that again), so by all means go nuts.

Yes, yes, chapter 56 is coming. At some point. When I've finished the fourth "Dave and Mia Discuss" Morphic extra that I'm writing right now and is really fun.


Chaos16 (02/14/2011 19:08:44)
Wow, I've been frequenting TV Tropes for about a year now, and I've never actually thought to look for a page on The Quest for the Legends… Time to skim through it instead of writing a paper for school :D

Looking forward to the chapter too.
Automatistic (02/15/2011 06:58:47)
I actually searched both TQFTL and Morphic ages ago, and they weren't there. Huh.

Also, I've become addicted to it ever since you first posted a link to it here. Nice one :P

How does it feel to read about "Word of God" referring to you, does it make you feel special or does it invoke a sense of irony? :D
Butterfree (02/15/2011 11:53:18)
"Word of God" is just a phrase. People have asked me a couple of times regarding it, but my brain just translates it to "the author said it", period. It's no more special or actually implying the author is God in any sense than, say, "straight from the horse's mouth" is actually implying they're a horse. Hell, it didn't even cross my mind until you said it that it could be construed as flattering. Is it supposed to be bad form to use it in reference to your own words about your own works? Because I kind of do that all the time. :/

I mean, I guess it would seem kind of full of it if you haven't been on TV Tropes and actually think of yourself as God somehow, but to me it's very literally just a phrase. As far as I'm concerned, TV Tropes is in the business of defining simple, mnemonic phrases for concepts that would otherwise take a while to explain, and the individual words those phrases happen to involve are irrelevant outside of their mnemonic purpose.
Quinn2 (02/19/2011 02:18:42)
I'm not sure whether you've got time for this sort of thing, but have you by chance read either of Burninating torchic's (aka, Jirae) fanfics. I personally loved reading them. They are both based off of different ideas regarding pokemon, heroics, and general coolness. If you have read them, sorry to have wasted your time. If you haven't, you should at some point. Just my opinion. Thanks for reading!

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