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08/29/2010: Character Updates

(If you missed it, chapter 55 is up.)

I've updated the character bios for all three of the kids. The most interesting one is Alan, who has a bit in his character ramble now about the reasons for his departure.


Raitora Kuro Yamiraku (08/29/2010 09:28:52)
That's cool. Explains your whole "wow, they have a life of their own" post from earlier.

GOD, it makes me laugh how Alan actually wants to fill his dad's shoes. His dad's an idiot. :|
elyvorg (08/29/2010 10:59:43)
Alan left partly because his hero complex made him feel guilty that he couldn't "fix" May?

…asdfdfgh that's adorable. :O
puredragon222 (09/15/2010 15:19:15)
Dammit I love this fic. It's things like Alan's departure that make me feel very enamoured with it but also sad, because May and Alan's relationship was so funny :P.
Nihila (09/17/2010 01:16:52)
Yeah, I enjoyed Alan's departure. Not because I dislike him, but because it seemed so natural.

And he thinks that he'll feel better away from May. I'm guessing… Nope. He'll feel more guilty, especially if something else happens. I've known a few people with a pseudo-hero complex, and I know that leaving wouldn't have worked for them. They would have left, but then felt guilty about leaving, but not be able to get back. :)

While avoiding rampant speculation, I think that this opens up a lot of possibilities.

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