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12/22/2007: Chapter 37 progress

On the fifteenth page, and Mark and Alan are still battling. It's a six-on-six and only three out of those twelve Pokémon have fainted so far (mostly due to the permission of switching, which leads to lack of super effective moves). Neither of them is stupid enough to do something absolutely ridiculous that would make him lose quickly. This is going to be long. And when that's done, I'll still have the battle with Carl before I can end this chapter. <_<

I'm going to try to get it done for Christmas, but if not then definitely before the new year. Hey, I've won NaNoWriMo, after all, and written 5000 words in a day. But yeah, this is going to be one seriously long chapter. Chapter 32 was twenty-six pages in Word, wasn't it? I don't know if this will beat it, but hell, it might.

Oh, well. You've sat through chapter 32 before, so you can take excruciatingly long battles.

Oh, yeah. By the way, the Quest for the Legends Word document has passed the 375 pages mark. I might get to 400 in chapter 38 or else chapter 39.


shadow_lugia (12/22/2007 00:00:00)
GOD, that's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG battle! And your Scyther stories were cool! ^^

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