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09/28/2007: Bonsai Story Generator

I am having way too much fun with this. I ran some of chapter 37 through it, along with the first chapter of Morphic. The results are spectacular. While most of the sentences are nothing but ungrammatical nonsense, others make eerily much sense in a completely absurd way if you ignore the grammar mistakes. I made some punctuation edits to the following quotes (mostly adding opening/closing quotes where they were lacking), but nothing else. Seriously, this is better than Babelfish:

An entire town wiped out of him into the best terms for a moment Mark wasn’t sure that a short distance. In his best to reply, he said anxiously:
“That’s… not rape.”

Why, no, it isn't, Mark. I wonder how you figured that one out.

In the rear-view mirror, he could stop ringing.
“It wasn’t my own, and… Carl and Mark Greenlet, the future, okay?” Mark Greenlet, the world, and sweaty.
“And his glasses off just going to make you,” May began, “but you’ve never forgive him, ever. Not much always been.”
He desperately looked a lot more fragile seen from the restaurant so we will see if it seemed like the wimp he babbled.

They don’t ‘want’ to have a deep breath and tried to straighten himself, pushed the glasses had been consistently present in through automatic doors into a chair.
He exited the middle of sulphur that it wouldn’t be systematically murdered because they’ll probably ride Charizard too, and relatives.
The screen turned out that if they stepped onto bare rock they were so many things that were so many things. He said his telepathic voice, “If these kids over the place to have a well-built woman with long, black hair who was a team of the TV, why couldn’t they defeated the men we raise those things?”
We can only realized after that went to bed.
The smell of support beams, with words.

“So, Carl… do care!” Chaletwo’s voice pained.

This one is one of my very favorites, just because it makes perfect sense and is in-character but is still far from anything that the story said.

Then he went on air.
There’s no way we battle Volcaryu.
“Actually I… I will help. For a clue what his real intention was.”
Mark’s mind was being gone.

This makes perfect sense too, and actually gives you an idea of a scene - Mark is on TV and has no idea what to say. Hell, it's even in-character. (But no, this does not happen in chapter 37.)

His posture looked much better about himself, some instant noodles and Brian Edwards, one of puzzlement.
May would have to appear on TV?

Why the hell Brian shivered as bad as he caught them and then expected someone else to say.
“Because that is what are you realize that it was no more heat-sensitive Pokémon whimpered.”

“Could be anything it Damn it was quite possible to say.”
“Because that I just…” “Making sense?” the wooden floor was all be gone.
An entire town inhabitants was quite possible and okay, it he swore under his opponent in the middle of like Pokémon trainers have done her research: although it would perhaps, maybe, if I do some planning to say, flicking his hands.
He had lived in some abstract hope you realize that if I do you really resurrected and then.
The next moment of pity, he babbled.
“I’m sorry, I will help.” For a much better about himself some contacts sometime.

“I do care!” Chaletwo’s voice shouted in the party, “we can do about that went on my own, and…” Carl turned to say in his mind.
He could convince that story was thinking.
But Mark could hear it.
“I’m sorry.” Mark thought, his bearded chin as bad as it sounded.
Damn it all.
It was even need to the far too unbelievable, but being a casual, stylishly-dressed man, come hurrying over to sit on the crater, below Mark looked questioningly up until that is, because now Carl then began:
“Why don’t you represent us up, man.”

Oh, God, I love this one. It just makes so much sense, and it is so wildly OOC of Carl to say "Why don't you represent us up, man" to Mark that I burst out laughing the moment I read it. And "his bearded chin as bad as it sounded" is just priceless, especially in reference to Mark.

May would have a team of six that especially freak children or against abortion.

…just… XDDD

“Look,” he looked.

This is so logical it's hilarious. Especially since I did not need to edit the punctuation of this at all.

Alan called on your own free will.
I really appreciate what his real intention was.
Mark’s mind, he would help when he’d next have to go home has a bad thing.
Then he went to bed.
The very idea felt absurd and use them, no comment.
“Thanks,” Mark was staring.
May was still staring at the garage door between burying his whole life.
He quickly evaluated this very show!

You won't believe how hard I'm giggling at this…

“Good,” Carl made no plans to be growing normally.

“Please be reasonable.” Mark Greenlet, the world’s population, was the wooden floor they had been standing on the best of their watches every word of.
It seemed almost hilarious.
Certainly not an accident.
Nothing is dead already.
It is even more dead than the floor towards Mark and Pokémon DNA, which you created children with words.
He winced.

Oh, yes, now Carl turned out that it was killed by an elaborate system of the crater, shortly followed by Chaletwo on the ground while the volcano erupt tomorrow. “I can do about what his voice, if these children – if maybe we go about himself than we do.”
“And… how I have Charizard, Scyther may be all on TV?”
“Why do you actually care?”
“I do anything you know them?” Carl looked at her, the three of the devil.
In the rear-view mirror, he caught on.
May shouted heatedly.

…oh, hell with it. I can't quote all the hilarious bits; there are too many of them. Just check out the full version I saved (with no edited punctuation, though). For the sake of the children, I should note that it contains some swear words. It is delightfully absurd.

It it seemed almost hilarious.

Oh, you have no idea…
EDIT: Oh, look. Now I ran the IALCOTN Prologue through it with The Forum. I got some really great quotes out of that:

It moves them, trembling, up into its eyes snapped open in despair, but who cares.

Best. Quote. Ever. XD

It notices the torn corpse of a Perfect Community was that even if they didn’t actually do anything against the Image of a Kadabra.

But slowly he made the forum didn’t really match anybody’s Image of a black panther-like Pokémon with telepathy

So Pocus made the Rules, and a long, thick, violet tail.
It blinks.

So he founded the body of it in morbid eagerness to stab people with a Perfect Community.

So he looked at his Rules which were immature.
So Pocus made Rules, which were immature.
So Pocus made Rules, which were immature.
So Pocus made Rules, which were immature.
So he looked at all times.

And he made Rules, which were immature.

Wow… you think it's trying to get a message across?

But he was now a Kadabra, because Kadabra doesn't even evolve with experience points, but it could have used some dead, some dead, some editing, because he really want to be blood.

Wow, that's evil.
EDIT (2): I refreshed that and got some more hilarity out of it.

Heavy eyelids retract with so he’s always right. And he made Rules, which were basically a spoon, even though his ideal Image of a clear Image of a Perfect Community.

"And he made rules, which were basically a spoon." Wow.

It did not know where it didn’t matter, and he lived happily ever after.

Heavy eyelids retract with a spoon, even though his Image of thing, and intelligent than everybody else, so it didn’t matter, and Pokémon lie sprawled on the ground, some dying, some mutilated beyond recognition, but there was the crackling of a Perfect Community.

Oh, wow… Pokémon lying sprawled on the ground, dying and mutilated, is a Perfect Community?

It opens a long, thick, violet tail.
It did not recognize him, but none conscious.
It moves them, trembling, up and left, but what did it matter, as they should be, and they spammed and all was very happy.
One day he lived happily ever after.

Remember, kids: Spamming leads to happiness. I love that last line…

There was no blood in the last remains of members, he has spoons to be blood.
There was no more of a Perfect Community itself.
But he was alone.

All similarities this story may have to real-life events are a Perfect Community, but Pocus didn’t care because he stabbed the only sound to all topics, they would act mature at his Rules a bunch of the village.

It also knew that sort of a Perfect Community was well.

Whoo, it's grammatically correct.

But it had lots of guidelines that, if followed, would never ask to be blood.

And he made the Rules, and they spammed and they would act mature at all times.

Bit of a contradiction there…

So he founded the Rules, and intelligent than everybody else, so cold… It did not really want to the Rules, a Perfect Community It would bring the conclusion that everybody else had completely different Images of a black panther-like Pokémon with a spoon, even though his mind, he stabbed the last conscious memory it had.

I love the mix between the lighthearted style of The Forum and the dramatic prologue…

It felt around with experience points, but they thought, ‘Oh, he was much more powerful and intelligent than everybody else had a clear Image of a black panther-like Pokémon with experience points, but what did In his Image of a Perfect Community, and he stabbed everybody who cares.

Ah, I love this.


Larissa (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Win, dear. TOTAL WIN.
Xikaze (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
…ROTFL. This is genius.
Shadow Serenity (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
This is so unbelievable awesome. I'm gonna type something up and try it out.

It's funny how some bits are actually… understandable.

My personal favorite:

“Good,” Carl made no plans to be growing normally.
Orange (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Why do the picture quotations look so odd?
Butterfree (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
…picture quotations?
Orange (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
I don't really like that there is only one quotation mark in quotes and not two.

What's a sexually liberal?
T-man (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Doesn't this mean that 37 is done if your feeding it to a garbage machine? Or like, 9/10 done?
~SqUiGgLy-StArR* (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
How come it seems like its TQFTL and Morphic mixed together? Some parts mention Volcaryu and such, yet some other parts mention the Stop Abortion Movement, the Pokemorphs, etc.

This is hilarious, by the way. My chest hurts…I laughed too much for my little asthmatic self =P
Butterfree (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Orange: The opening quote is just a background image. One opening quote is commonly used as a background image for the blockquote element in HTML to indicate that it is a quote; it's not meant to seem like actual quotation marks around the text. It would take some complications to make a closing quote appear as well.

The sexually liberal part came from Morphic. The full context is "what the sexually liberal call 'accidents'", i.e. when consenting partners have sex outside of marriage that results in unwanted pregnancies, generally thanks to failed protection or forgetting it altogether in the heat of the moment. In her own "sexually non-liberal" opinion, people who have sex are asking to get pregnant, which is why she considers it to be about as much of an 'accident' as jumping off a bridge and hoping to survive the fall. Hence, rather than speaking of "accidents" herself when as far as she is concerned they aren't accidents in any sense of the word, she mentions "what the sexually liberal call 'accidents'". Long story short, "the sexually liberal" are, in the context she is speaking of, people who have sex outside of marriage.

T-man: Unfortunately, no. I just put the five pages I already have in there, along with the first chapter of Morphic as I said.

~SqUiGgLy-StArR*: Uh, it seems like The Quest for the Legends and Morphic mixed together because that's what it is. Hence the sentence, "I ran some of chapter 37 through it, along with the first chapter of Morphic." You input some text into the generator, and it chops up the sentences and puts them back together randomly. In my case, since I put chapter 37 of The Quest for the Legends and chapter one of Morphic into it, it comes out like a mix between The Quest for the Legends and Morphic.
Citolim (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
That is funny! I did this to one of my fanfics, and this is one of my favorite sentences from it:
Now Lovrina was a person.
Can't forget this:
Lovrina was interrupted by Andrea unlocked the smartest Admin! Yeah, Why do Chris said, relieved.
Poketoa (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
DragonFire (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
"But he was now a Kadabra, because Kadabra doesn't even evolve with experience points, but it could have used some dead, some dead, some editing, because he really want to be blood."
Kadabra wants to be blood? O.o
Crystylla (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Oh, man… that's hilarious. xD;;;

I've gotta try this for myself…
JD (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
I ran the Declaration of Independence through with Negrek's "The Last Word" and got some really great quotes…

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that he was dark and destroyed the roaring storm drew closer, thunder roaring and magnanimity, and Independent States, that purpose obstructing the amount and magnanimity, and of Right ought to a successful career.
- He must be dark and destroyed to have a successful career. =D

It was an Arbitrary government, and eat out of respect to the wicked sickle blade jutting from the side of Nature's God entitle them, a history of new Appropriations of the tribulations of invasion from behind him.
- The absol has murdered Nature’s God. EAT OUT OF RESPECT.

“I am neither judge nor jury.” “But you are the Inhabitants of its fur."

“You must come with certain unalienable Rights, that he was," no time for pleading, no sense of the benefit of the absol’s head.
- The absol’s head is beneficial! =D

The man clung to the circumstances of their Public Records, for a second deaf to the Course of redemption.

What a fitting end, perhaps, to Laws for that purpose obstructing the same Object evinces a single word, scrawled hurriedly, having a cold brilliance in all cases whatsoever.

His heart beat wildly, trying to suppress down on the tempest gnashed its thick white fur glimmering with manly firmness his own language.
- Manly firmness. Yes.

His heart beat wildly, trying to claw itself from his odd choice of the wild tempest riding close on the rights of the free System of a civilized nation.
- Woo, correct grammar!

He reluctantly turned around to do all having in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them shall seem to mind. “I can’t go with you yet.” He reluctantly turned back to join the absol; seemed utterly alien, its knowledge of the benefit of invasion from behind him.
- It knows we must invade.

The storm drew nearer its teeth, furious to disavow these rights, Governments long established should be obtained; and he paused, contemplating, for pleading, no time for Naturalization of peace, Standing Armies without our Consent: For taking away from the causes which the Laws and altering fundamentally the air around him covetously.

He has endeavoured to bring on the verge of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to life on the protection of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the necessity, which they should be obtained; and necessary for support.
- Cruelty and Perfidy are necessary! Protect them! =O

To prove this, let Facts be totally dissolved; and Independent States, that it was as though to his attention, it becomes necessary for one of grim foreboding.
- “You can’t prove this with facts…

We must, therefore, acquiesce in the corner.

"out of his desk was an absol…"

Its killing claws sank into the thick carpeting and destroyed the depository of the absol’s head.
- Standing on its own head, eh? That’s a pretty flexible Absol.

“You must come with others to the Civil Power."
- I can bring a friend? =D!

"Its killing claws sank into compliance with me.” A chilling breeze swept through the British Crown, and the convulsions within.

He reluctantly turned back to the Supreme Judge of and superior to alter their friends and unacknowledged by the absol’s sudden appearance in times of human events it was a multitude of Nature and if he responded darkly, half to harass our fellow Citizens taken Captive on us without our Consent: For quartering large districts of abuses and organizing its Boundaries …
- Just for the o_Oness.
Wolff (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
…but where's Chapter 37!? *whimpers*
Snowycat (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
"but what did In his Image of a Perfect Community, and he stabbed everybody who cares"?

Some Person (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
That Bonsai Story Tree site is cool. I went there, typed up some stuff from the back of this Ultimate Gamepak CD-ROM case, some of the Bonsai Story Tree history and some things off of these Avery Business Card papers. Here are some of the highlights:
*quote*Fan the Bonsai Story Tree– a time.*unquote*Fan the Bonsai Story Tree? Sounds like something out of Babelfish.*quote*Keep this is the better.*unquote*More faked Babelfish. In fact, most of the stuff I got was like a faked Babelfish! Silly stuff, huh?
Spiky (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
That may be the greatest site in existence.
I sent a chapter of my/my friend's pokemon fanfiction through it… With such lines as "Anubis… a giant fluffy wingless bird?".

But some of yours stil top mine. D:
… -waits patiently for chapter 37-
PurrKat (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
"And he made Rules, which were basically a spoon"

"May was still staring at the garage door between burying his whole life"

Mudskipper (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
This is the best thing ever! I was putting a Western through it and got this:
"He turned to pour chocolate milk into the bartender’s eyes."
Just priceless.
Shadow Serenity (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
"But he was now a Kadabra, because Kadabra doesn't even evolve with experience points, but it could have used some dead, some dead, some editing, because he really want to be blood."

This reminded me of Dannichu. XD Sounds like something involving her insane Kadabra.
MrMe123 (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Yep. I Bonsai'd my own thing and ended up with this completely win quote:

Ralts was headed for a volcanic crater.
This was standard for no reason. XD
Orange (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
After reading RobxRazor, I shall read Scyther's Story!
SomeRandomPerson (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
lmgdmfao XD!! Epic win with bonsai tree I'm totally gonna write my own fanfic just to put it in that lol
Mythia (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
I ran IALCOTN Ulitamtum and Lake of purity through here xD

“Mark Greenlet, will be tempted to remain here.” Mark pulled the side of claws off the water to hunt, and raked his shoulder and apparently knocking it slightly sideways so that his chair.
- So that his chair?

“No!” Mark shouted, picking his sharp claws off Charmander’s scaly hide.

“Duh,” Charmander Mark shouted, picking his tail back up.
- Pure, unedited win.

“What?” Mark quickly looked at his knowledge.
“Wow, I don’t know that Charmander nodded in pain and began to train!” Charmander insisted with a curled up on his trousers and being an idiot.
- Yay.

“Let’s go on, shall we?” Mark watched in his voice function off.
SANDSHREW: Mouse Pokémon This was terrifying roar on having his tail into the air bizarrely staying aloft despite the sign was downright impossibly clear.

Mark stared at the last year

Well, do you know that city on the type advantage!
Now, uh…” He looked quickly formed into your tree again, I only have to say anything, “drawing will hardly help having another twinge of steel.
Charmander interrupted.
“I live in colonies of disdain before it stilled on a Pokémon journey.
There are supposed to be wild Pokémon in English.
It was just his first five hundred times.

-Gasps for air- If I don't stop now, I never will xD

Dragon (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
"He tossed the ground, and glared at it."

Did the same as Mythia, and got this little piece of awesomeness.
Butterfree (09/28/2007 23:00:00)
Haha, that's pure genius, Mythia. XD
Azrael Scyther (10/22/2008 09:54:13)
Ok, look, i'm sorry for bumping this thread but I used it on a bit of chapter 1 and burst out laughing.

The gentle breeze swayed the simplest of attention in class if I care.
That threat kinda loses impact after the window, a frown.
“I asked you detention.” Go ahead, Mark thought.
Do it.
See if he knew her notebook.
Probably something negative about his lack of the afternoon sky.
The gentle breeze swayed the clear blue of the afternoon sky.
The sunny streets of the afternoon sky.
The woman sighed, scribbling something negative about his head away from the branches of Sailance couldn’t possibly have no clue, okay?” The sunny streets of the afternoon sky.
The sunny streets of the afternoon sky.
The woman sighed, scribbling something negative about his lack of the afternoon sky.
The sunny streets of the afternoon sky.
The sunny streets of the afternoon sky.
The woman sighed, scribbling something negative about his pale face.
“Er… I’m sorry?” The gentle breeze swayed the clear blue of the elm trees outside.
Only an occasional cottony cloud disrupted the afternoon sky.
The dark-haired boy quickly turned his head away from the afternoon sky.
The dark-haired boy quickly turned his head away from the branches of questions, …

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