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03/31/2010: Chapter 53 up

Finally! Took a little while to get it done completely, but here we go.

Chapter 53: Away



Pure Umbreon (03/31/2010 23:33:19)
I smell an April Fools Joke… Oh, and by the way, Mitch's request just happened. Author wrote some May x Mark. =D
opaltiger (03/31/2010 23:39:45)
Hmm. I'm not sure I'm seeing it. Aside from being a bit of a departure for you, it just seems, I dunno, a little sudden. I mean, Mark/May? Bit of an unexpected plot twist, too - really not sure I like it. I'd suspected you weren't telling us everything, but this seems a bit of a lacklustre direction to take.

Also, your writing's a little below standard - mostly I noticed some stilted description (things like using varied dialogue tags for the sake of variety, and one or two slightly cliched expressions), that sort of thing.

Maybe it suffers in comparison to the last chapter. :P I'm a little unsure, but I have the feeling that you know where this is going. Looking forward to the next chapter, at any rate!
Tiffano (03/31/2010 23:40:01)
Wow ;_; I was rereading chapters 9,10, and 11 when I got the e-mail xD
Tiffano (03/31/2010 23:47:26)
Whoa. I always thought it'd be May+Alan. Taylor's change of heart is kind of… odd. It's so sudden and how he just decides to join them and release his Pokemon. He was a spoiled brat, yes, but I figured he must have had some love from his brother. . . kind of.

But as opal said, there's probably more coming on. :}
Leafpool (04/01/2010 00:13:43)
o.O I agree with Pure Umbreon. This is definitely an April Fool's joke, especially considering they've been done on TCoD the past several years.
Chaos16 (04/01/2010 00:20:22)
This is hilarious. Butterfree, you totally got me. I didn't suspect anything since its not April 1st where I am. I truly thought you had written some horrible fanfic stereotype. I didn't figure it out until the power of love thing and Taylor smashing the clone balls. Genius. Can't wait for the real chapter though
Negrek (04/01/2010 00:23:31)
I'm not sure what opaltiger's problem is; "instantly, as if by the touch of a Suicune" is definitely one of your best turns of phrase to date, although it's deep enough that I can see how people wouldn't be able to appreciate it initially. You might not want to use "orbs" to describe eyes, though. It's a little overdone.

Of course, I was a little surprised at first by the revelation about the Power of Love, but reading back over some of the previous chapters, I can see how you were careful to build up to this point. Great job on the foreshadowing!

Very cute and fluffy. Definitely an improvement after being dragged through all those tedious battles in the more recent chapters.
elyvorg (04/01/2010 00:53:47)
Eh, romance isn't really my kind of thing, but I'm sure it's fine for people whose tastes are more in that direction. And while I was sort of hoping Taylor would get some kind of comeuppance after the ridiculously unfair business with Mewtwo^2 last chapter, I suppose this is a good, non-violent way of dealing with it. :/

But aww, it's nice to see Chaletwo's daddy issues being resolved! :3
Nihila (04/01/2010 01:16:14)
Nice. As others have said, though, this is probably an April Fools joke. Or, Butterfree has been kidnapped by aliens and replaced with this imitator. Well, if this hasn't delayed the real chapter, I'm happy with it!
Guest (04/01/2010 01:48:02)
The question is… was the Chapter 53 that Butterfree looked so forward to the REAL chapter 53, or this spoof?
RLabs (04/01/2010 02:39:56)
I only realized about halfway through reading this that it was already April Fool's in Iceland…
Leaving_a_comment (04/01/2010 02:48:57)
I really shouldn't laugh but I really hope all you guys realize this is a joke. There is no what Butterfree would end it like this. But maybe you all just love to fool around and make us think you are that dense, silly posters..
Eternal (04/01/2010 05:56:51)
Of course, this makes me wonder how far you are in the real chapter 53…because we all know you'd never write that sort of stuff into a story.
Eonrider (04/01/2010 06:29:09)
Who are you, and what have you done with Butterfree!? You almost had me going there. Happy April Fools!
elementalpenguin (04/01/2010 06:42:18)
Heh, as soon as you said orbs, I fell out of the trance. Your Mary Sue guide criticizes exactly that.
Nice April Fools' Butterfree.
@lex (04/01/2010 07:42:11)
Butterfree, you are a genius. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to read the digital words written by the greatness that is you.
Me (04/01/2010 09:52:07)
I seriously hope that this IS an april fools joke, Butterfree………This thing just totally isnt your style "The power of love is the only thing that can defeat the Destroyer"

Sorry but thats totally cliche and not your style………….Besides its just amazingly anti-climactic
Bloom (04/01/2010 10:40:26)
I really hope this is an April Fools joke, because this reminds me of a shojo mary-suefic, where "TRAAAALALALALA LOVE SAVES THE DAY AND EVERYONE JOINS THE HERO AND HEROINE BECAUSE THEY'RE IN LOVE TRALALALALA"
Sands Buisle (04/01/2010 12:26:33)
At the begining I wanted to barf, then I relised this is just an Aprils fools joke, it is, isn't it?

Anyway, gotta go. <slips and falls on puddle of barf>

Mastavida (04/01/2010 14:01:21)
This chapter made me lol.

I realized that there was something completely wrong with the chapter, but I never connected it with April Fool's day.

Something I want to know, is if this'll be kept up, or if it will disappear into some abyss of past April Fool's day jokes. It would be fun to read again another time.

Good job, though.
Butterfree (04/01/2010 15:32:19)
Huh, I didn't realize it was past midnight on the server when I posted this. I mean, it wasn't even midnight in Iceland yet. Really, you people. I wouldn't joke about something like this. I can't believe so many of you would just jump to conclusions because you don't like what happened in the chapter. I mean, I get if you wanted May with Alan, but come on, he's fifteen and she's twelve. That's just gross.

Listen to Negrek. The whole fic has been carefully building up to this; it's been planned for years. Maybe you just didn't get it and need to read it again.
ShadowNc (04/01/2010 16:50:36)
I think you misspelled 'Meantime' in the first paragraph, Butterfree. You spelled it 'meanytime'
Sands Buisle (04/01/2010 17:08:07)

You mean that you're serious!?
Please answer after April's fools day.
Eonrider (04/01/2010 17:43:03)
If this isn't a joke after all, then I'm going to stop reading now.
Leafpool (04/01/2010 18:52:02)
This is still a joke though.
Nihila (04/01/2010 18:52:05)
Hmm. Butterfree, I might believe you if you hadn't posted your comment on the first of April. I applaud your determination, but this is a very elaborate practical joke, no doubts.
Caldazar Atreides (04/01/2010 19:32:00)
*Screams in pain*

Wait, of course this is for April Fools, but it's not as subtly done as I would expect. Still, I had expected something. I remember the time Butterfree made the whole site disappear–*that* was deranged on a genius level.
shadow_lugia (04/01/2010 20:13:36)
Crap, I really was a dense, silly poster. Didn't notice it was April Fool's Day until I read everyone's comments.

Why? Because my parents and stepsister aren't here, that's why.
Kevin (04/01/2010 21:28:02)
It took me forever to figure out it was a joke when I first read it. Because when I read it, it was 6-ish EST March 31st. So, it wasn't April Fools Day then.
ShadowDusk (04/01/2010 21:40:21)
same hear kevin
Kitsune (04/01/2010 22:17:36)
Best April Fool's Day joke. Win. XD

I bet it was hard for you not to make someone horribly scarred physically and/or mentally in the middle of that, wasn't it?
spencer (04/01/2010 22:31:45)
i really hope this is a joke. i mean, the great thing about this fic is that it doesnt have all the super mushy stuff like others. if this is serious….you lost me haha.
and everything happened so suddenly
Leafpool (04/01/2010 22:40:11)
Still a joke.
Hiikaru (04/01/2010 22:52:00)
My gosh, I can't believe everyone thinks this is a joke just because of the date on the calendar, I mean really, do they think Iceland even celebrates that silly holiday?

I was surprised at first, but upon reflection I realized you've been leaving clues the entire way. This may be a cliche, as some would call it, but cliches exist for a reason, and you've done a brilliant job writing this one into a masterpiece. "As if by the touch of Suicune" is definitely my favorite line, like Negrek said, very deep.

Definitely looking forward to seeing how the Power of Love manifests itself in the battles to come. I know you've got something amazing up your sleeve.
elementalpenguin (04/03/2010 07:19:40)
Ahahaha, looking back at elvyorg's post is hilarious now - "glad it got handled in a non-violent way." Hahahahahahaoooh I think I'm gonna be sick.
Also, sorry to be a buzz kill, but I've played along before only to have people believe me…
elyvorg (04/03/2010 11:02:00)
*nodnod* I'd already read both of the chapters before either was posted, so… that was deliberate. =P
Sands Buisle (04/03/2010 15:23:06)
Phew. But I almost followed Mark's example.

<slips and falls on puddle of barf>


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