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01/12/2010: Writing, for a change

Surprise! I have actually been doing some writing. :o As in, I've written a page of chapter 51 since last time and don't plan on stopping.

The remaining character bios are coming too, but I thought it would be nice to give you a heads up that I haven't completely forgotten about actually writing the fic.

EDIT: Whoa, this chapter is turning out one hell of a lot better than I thought it would.


Sands Buisle (01/12/2010 11:46:56)
First again!
Well, thats good!
Butterfree (01/12/2010 14:26:29)
…somehow I never realized until now just how insanely important this chapter is. It may be the most important chapter in the fic since chapter 25.
elyvorg (01/12/2010 16:03:14)
Whee! Looking forward to it.

Because I, uh, totally don't have any idea what happens in it. Not at all. :x
Steele (01/12/2010 16:28:32)
Awesome! Can't wait! :D
…I hope May loses. >:)
I also hope she doesn't see that!

Haha. Beat you InnerDemon.
Lunar (01/12/2010 20:42:58)
Intriguing. Looking forward to the chapter, and good luck on writing it.
ShadowDusk (01/12/2010 22:55:46)
glad your making progress, cant wate for the next chapter
Pure Umbreon (01/13/2010 00:28:01)
Wow, I miss alot when my computer breaks down ^_^'

Keep up the good work Butterfree! Really important chapter then? Should make the chapter all the more interesting to wonder about.
Butterfree (01/13/2010 09:41:14)
Okay, I finished the chapter. I'm going to take a nap before I proofread.

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