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10/15/2009: Big news!

So. Today I was writing chapter 51, where as usual there is just a random scene going on and I happened to make a plot-relevant reference, and I realized that would add to the chapter plan I had (up to chapter 55), and after I added that to the plan, I… finished it. The whole plot outline, up to the end. Around half of what I wrote is stuff I pretty much just thought of while writing it, too. Basically I just went on a grand fic-plotting spree, filling in all the storyline gaps and completing the plan. (Well, okay, one chapter just says "They travel to [place] and something happens", but I'm sure I'll think of something.)

Thus, unless there are some very serious modifications, this fic will be 76 chapters in all, not counting the epilogue that will most likely be there. Chapters 71-75, like chapters 21-25 and 46-50, form a specially named five-chapter arc. My OCD is happy. :D

This also means that unlike my previous worries, I will not land myself in plot block after chapter 55 anymore, so it's pretty much just straight writing from here on!

Funnily enough, I still haven't quite polished a certain plot point in chapter 51, so I still can't run ahead to finish that chapter quite yet, but hey. At least I'm pretty giddy anyway.


opaltiger (10/15/2009 21:50:36)
So! What is it, half a decade (ish) in and you're two thirds done! :D
InnerDemon (10/15/2009 22:46:49)
Darnit Opal! I must get first comment again. Anyways! Yay! Go Butterfree!
Fox McCloud (10/16/2009 00:27:38)
Win get.
Pure Umbreon (10/16/2009 03:12:34)
Wow, that's just great! 76 chapters is an EPIC proportion for a fic that started when you were 12 =D

(@InnerDemon, at least you can say you beat me this time =/ )
InnerDemon (10/16/2009 03:19:26)
Hah. Gotcha babycakes Umbreon. :).
Go Butterfreee ;)
Steele (10/16/2009 03:44:55)
Happy (10/16/2009 06:41:34)
Hahaha man under normal circumstances I'd say it would be weird to suddenly finish after working on it for so long, but of course there's still the IALCOTN… |DDDD And 76 is a long ways off. But nevertheless, completely AWESOME news, and I'm sure we'll all be reading diligently until the end!
Leafpool (10/16/2009 10:37:50)
elyvorg (10/16/2009 13:56:20)
Chapters 71-75 already sound like they will be epic even though I know nothing about them.
Blue Shine (10/16/2009 22:11:17)
Well, hey at ten chapters a year you'll finish in 2.5 years. I'm sure that makes you feel great.
SilverLatios47 (10/17/2009 00:49:22)
Hopefully we'll be able to read TQftL in those spiffy dragon layouts soon :D
Anonymous (10/17/2009 12:42:34)
Me too, but do you think we can keep Chalenor layout? I really like it
Shiny Froslass (10/18/2009 07:50:05)
Yay! Good work! I can't wait until its finished! But then again, it will be over, so I'd be sad at the same time…
ShadowDusk (10/18/2009 22:39:06)
yay you might finish the fic soon.
Kitsune (10/18/2009 23:20:05)
76 chapters, hm? I cannot imagine what it will be like when you are finished with writing. Ah well; according to Blue Shine I won't have to worry about that for two and a half years. =3
M'fel (10/19/2009 01:09:35)
Keep up the good work, wait, scratch that, keep up the amazing work! I can't wait for the end, whatever it may turn out to be, though I'm sure it will end up more awesome than the entirety of the Star Wars series!

also, it is always nice to have an end-time estimate, otherwise this high-quality fanfic might have gotten stretched into a less-than-amazing story. and who would want that?
Caldazar Atreides (10/19/2009 03:09:53)
Yesssssssssss! This is phenomenal news! It looks like the fic will be completed in less than five years! (Getting my hopes up…)

And yes, can you please keep Chalenor style?
@lex (10/21/2009 12:40:06)
Now, how CAN you people be so glad the fic is reaching an end? This is sad beyond belief.

I can see it: one of the greatest pieces of fan fiction reaches a sappy ending with Mark and his surviving Pokémon living perfectly normal (separate) lives happily ever after; May changes her ways and personality, yet enjoying battles till the end of days. Woot.

OF COURSE, Butterfree is much too awesome to make it end that badly, isn't she? :) Oh, why can't this go on forever? :(
Leafpool (10/21/2009 19:07:24)
@lex: I keep asking myself if Butterfree might actually end the fic with the War of the Legends killing everybody and making the whole effort pointless. Now /that/ would be a depressing ending.
opaltiger (10/21/2009 19:46:14)
@lex: I keep asking myself if Butterfree might actually end the fic with the War of the Legends killing everybody and making the whole effort pointless. Now /that/ would be a depressing ending.

This has been my pet theory for years. Personally I think it would be awesome.
jokey23 (10/21/2009 20:42:58)
I'm split approximately 50-50 between the two aforementioned theories and another, that I thought up. Using blog continuity, I know that Butterfree visits Tv tropes. One of the most referenced tropes is the Xanatos gambit. A xanatos gambit is when the heroes are manipulated into doing the villain's job themselves. I propose that Butterfree has been leading us all on, and Chaletwo is secretly evil. Like, he's lying about what causes the war of the legends and in reality, placing all of the legends in captivity is really the cause. It can't be good for that much power to be controlled.
Blue Shine (10/22/2009 02:36:29)
I personally give Butterfree the credibility of a writer to end it less predictably.
Butterfree (10/22/2009 16:40:18)
Guess on, dears. You'll never pin down the stuff that matters.

That said, after the end, it's not as if it will all be gone. I'll still be rewriting it a billion times, after all. And I can't get rid of this completely random idea of making an "author's commentary", because I like rambling on about this fic way too much.
InnerDemon (10/23/2009 01:41:16)
Goodie :)
Nihila (10/24/2009 14:37:53)
I think that an author's commentary would be a great idea, especially if you like to talk about the fic.
But, it's your work, your decision.
Quinn2 (10/31/2009 03:03:21)
I read through the entire first 50 chapters in a space of three days, but only because it was so entertaining I couldn't get off the computer. Keep writing. Forever. Seriously. I'm not even joking. Even after you're dead keep writing.
Giratar (11/03/2009 22:08:30)
76 chapters?! That's by far the longest fanfiction I've ever heard of! Awesome!

And if it takes 2.5, maybe more, years to write the rest of this, I'm not surprised! Butterfree, please don't shut the site down before then! (I don't see why she would, but hey)

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