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10/07/2009: Chapter 50 finished

I've just finished the chapter at twenty pages. Going to take a nap before the final proofreading and editing (though yesterday I actually went through the battle, soon after I'd finished that, and modified and added in several bits, so I might be a little less thorough on that part this time).

It seems one of my "talents" is starting to write something completely aimlessly and then discovering halfway through, just as I am pondering deleting it because it's random and pointless, that it is actually leading up to an important point that I had never thought about but actually kind of needs to be made or is at least sort of neat. I think it's happened with three individual scenes in this chapter alone, and thanks to this all my previous potential doubts about having this as chapter fifty have completely vanished.


Pure Umbreon (10/07/2009 16:01:23)
Wonderful! Please finish revising it soon! (Well, actually, take your time so you don't miss something, but you know what I mean.)

First Post too! =D
Leafpool (10/07/2009 19:00:07)
Ooooh. <3 I can't wait.
Steele (10/07/2009 19:19:01)
YESSSSSSSSSS!!! I Can't wait! Do you have specific time for release? I would like to know when to light the explosives.
Kitsune (10/07/2009 22:01:58)
Rejoice! =3 This makes me glad.
InnerDemon (10/07/2009 22:23:04)
5th post! Haha. Yayyy! Keep going. :]
Pure Umbreon! I'll get you next time :O.
Pages (10/08/2009 03:04:50)
What's your average word count per page?

(Or in other words, do you count pages as single-spaced, or double-spaced?)

Just curious, since if you use 500/600 words per page (single-spaced), then all the chapters would be twice as long in a normal-sized book (which is approximately 255 words per page).
Butterfree (10/08/2009 03:27:51)
They're double-spaced, but the average word count per page is still around 450-500 words - the Word document reached 250,000 words total in this chapter, and it's 568 pages in all now, with the final page of each chapter often largely blank plus some spacing around the notes at the bottom.

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