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09/05/2009: Chapter 49 progress

So, after taking a bit of a break to write Morphic and lengthy Pokémon movie reviews, I am now on something of a writing spree, well down the tenth page of the chapter at the moment. If I continue to be in this mood, I might finish the chapter tonight or tomorrow.

Yesterday I had one of those moments of thinking a lot about the end of the fic and desperately wishing I could just hurry up and finish it already, which may have something to do with it, although the end is still awfully far away, obviously. I also thought a bit about how I'm going to fit all the necessary information into the second-to-last chapter while all the stuff that needs to happen is happening and whether it would perhaps be more practical to make "One-Shot A" an actual part of the chapter. Which is getting waaay ahead of myself, since odds are none of this will be written until at least three years from now or so, but whatever. (God, it feels weird to know that I'll be well in my twenties before I finish this.)

Ramblerambleramble. Ficcity fic fic.


Lunatik (09/05/2009 23:07:24)
Tonight or tomorrow? Woohoo!
Butterfree (09/06/2009 02:04:50)
I didn't say it was certain (I said "if I continue to be in this mood", and as it happens I just got distracted for a couple of hours but am going to continue now), so don't get your hopes up too much; it was just a very optimistic possibility.
InnerDemon (09/06/2009 04:46:13)
Hehe yay!
Sands Buisle (09/06/2009 15:01:14)
Alright! (No logging on problems anymore, whoohoo!!!!!)
ShadowDusk (09/06/2009 20:29:10)
cool i am glad your geting done with it.
Pure Umbreon (09/07/2009 01:22:02)
Wow, it has been a while since I posted here. Anyway, that's great that you're on a writing spree! I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
Lugia (09/07/2009 06:01:20)
<3 the fic is great, it's certainly inspiring!
SlowCrow (09/07/2009 10:38:31)
*Looks at counter* Darn, I expected at least 100 chapterless days due to the fact that summer is the only time of the year when the god of procrastination touches the shoulders of men, women, and children everywhere. Apperantly you have issues with deities touching you.

But its always nice to make progress on things that have been left in the sun to bake (and that prologue is in the pipeline, Butterfree, I swear). I'm looking forward to–

It seems like I have forgotten what was supposed to happen in the next chapter. Yeargh. D:

-_______________- Kaw.
Sui (09/08/2009 15:17:02)
… ok… and how much of the story is left?
Butterfree (09/08/2009 17:29:01)
…of the story or of this chapter?
Exorin (09/09/2009 13:44:38)
OH yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!

no seriously ive been waiting 4 so long:(

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