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08/19/2009: Getting On With It

I got myself to go and continue with chapter 49 after talking to elyvorg. She is awesome like that.

Thus, I'm now well down the sixth page of the chapter. A scene where Mark was basically going over his Pokémon's weaknesses in his head seemed too boring and pointless even though I was halfway done with it, so instead of deleting it I decided to try to make it slightly less so; this completely unexpectedly led to a pretty fun character moment, although I should really be trying to get to the important part of the chapter. At least I finished that scene, which was the main reason I had been lazing around recently, so that's good.


Mr. Guest (08/19/2009 11:31:19)
Guesstimate - How many pages will this chapter have?
Butterfree (08/19/2009 11:41:42)
Eh, it's really no use having me make estimates about that. I'm never right and at the moment I don't really have any basis on which to found my conclusion since there is no comparable chapter I can use as a reference. :/
elyvorg (08/19/2009 12:12:44)
But - but I didn't do anything! All I did was talk about how I'm getting nowhere with my own chapter! D:
Butterfree (08/19/2009 16:59:51)
Well, you are so awesome that your mere presence made me write it! >:/
opaltiger (08/19/2009 23:40:58)
Or else become obsessed with something else and not write for weeks. It's a 50/50 thing.
SlowCrow (08/21/2009 23:30:33)
Hooray for progress! \0/

Although I have to say, even when I had an IM conversation between both of you guys (Butterfree and elyvorg), I didn't get much progress on writing Bug III; so I don't think mere presence helped in the inspiration department. Maybe it was elyvorg's lack of progress and attitude about it made you subconsciously try to prove yourself wrong due the fact that you and elyvorg had the same mindset at the time. So, uh, yay for internal animosity? o_o

And now I must mull over the completely white screen which is the Bug III prolouge rewrite.

Yip freaking pee. e_e

-_______________- Kaw.
ShadowDusk (08/22/2009 00:20:56)
Good you are steadily coming along with this chapter. I can't wait until you finish.
Shiny Froslass (08/22/2009 05:09:21)
:) I can hardly wait until this chapter is finished. Keep it up!
SandStormBuisle (08/23/2009 05:46:55)
Great, I can't wait, and I still can't log in so I can't write my fic when I'm at home! Bummer.
puredragon222 (08/31/2009 15:14:48)
I can't wait till the next chapter! I really want to see a battle between Mark and May, or at least one of May's battles.
Mags (09/05/2009 13:44:59)
RAWR no updates for almost a month.

Finish the chapter plz? :D
Butterfree (09/05/2009 15:21:19)
That's not "almost a month"; it's half a month. o.O Just because it was posted in the month of August and now it's September doesn't make it a month.

In any case, I've been more writing Morphic and movie reviews recently, but I need to write more of the chapter.

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