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04/29/2009: Ending plottiness

I don't quite remember if I ever talked about one-shots A and B here. I think I did, and I definitely talked about them to opaltiger, but if it happened, it was in that interval of time between April and June of last year whose Quest Blog posts were lost in the database wipe. (Is it just me, or did I make all the somewhat interesting entries here within that timeframe? It seems like every time I look back to find some particular post I remember making, it turns out to be gone.)

I don't even quite remember which one I titled then as one-shot A and which as one-shot B, but at least, they are two one-shots that I plan to release as either extras or spin-offs around the end of the fic. The one I'm going to call one-shot A now happens just before the second-to-last chapter and might be posted in that interval - possibly at the same time as the second-to-last chapter itself. One-shot B is a flashback to before the previous War of the Legends that clarifies some plot points, and it might be made into an extra after the last chapter (not the planned epilogue), or just be posted as a spin-off one-shot after the end.

One-shot B was written as a rough draft into a notebook in a burst of inspiration I had while in Vietnam. I hid the notebook in my room when opaltiger came and haven't really opened it since.

One-shot A, on the other hand, was originally written on the computer, again in a burst of inspiration, but I've at least once - I think twice - randomly thought back to it, opened up the document and added to and tweaked it. Now I just did it again. I really consider it some of my best work at the moment; it's a shame I won't be able to show it to anyone until a time when I'll no doubt think it sucks.

Yeah, really, that's all. I guess my point is that while I was not writing chapter 48, I was writing, and it was The Quest for the Legends. It's just not anything that you'd be able to read. And I just wanted to ramble about the end.


Pure Umbreon (04/30/2009 02:40:38)
O_o' It took me a couple of read throughs to understand, but I think I have it now. I was kind of interested in hearing what happened before the last War of the Legends, now that you mention it. I look forward to One-shot B. =)
YZorker (04/30/2009 21:42:01)
Extra writing is always great.

darthjarjar (04/30/2009 21:59:02)
does this mean you're going to be adding more fake pokemon to the list on the main site??
Giratar (04/30/2009 22:30:30)
So what? I ramble all the time, and I'm not afraid to say it online or in public. You're a different person, though, and I don't have a problem with it. And I am NOT trying to critisize you in any way.

….I'm rambling again. I'll shut up now.
Butterfree (05/01/2009 00:43:28)
…huh? Fake Pokémon? When did I mention any fake Pokémon?
darthjarjar (05/01/2009 16:40:05)
well sence you said it will be about the past war so… i thought that the pokemon would be different from the ones today…
Butterfree (05/01/2009 17:45:19)
Well, some of them are, but the one-shot does not actually involve any of those Pokémon. Besides, if I were to add anything to the fake Pokémon page, it would not be something that gets a random off-hand mention in an extra as having existed more than a thousand years ago; I still have Pokémon like Mutark and Fangcat that actually live in Ouen today and have substantial appearances in the fic left to add to that.
puredragon222 (05/03/2009 08:17:30)
I cannot wait for this. One-shot B sounds awesome. Also, I think you should create a sprite of Chalenor and add that. He sounds pretty cool ;D
superbird (05/09/2009 14:07:27)
what does the wardirer herd and the color dragons look like anyway? There's almost no info about them in the fic or on the site.
Butterfree (05/09/2009 18:04:51)
There is. Chapter two of the ILCOE describes them in excruciating and unnecessary detail. Please don't tell me you read the IALCOTN and then skipped over the corresponding chapters of the ILCOE or something like that.
darthjarjar (05/10/2009 14:31:06)
are you going to make sprites for them??
Butterfree (05/10/2009 15:06:06)
I doubt it. There's six color dragons and eight horses; if I made a sprite of one, I would feel like I had to go on to make sprites of the rest, and seeing as I'm no good at scratch sprites, there is no way they would all turn out well, besides that it's just an awful lot of work. Then there's the part where I'd have to make up eight different horse poses and six different dragon poses that would be different from the poses of Thunderyu, Volcaryu and Polaryu.

Besides, I'm going to need to reconsider the legendary roster for the IALCOTN, anyway.

Also, I forgot when I made the last reply, but there are also sketches of Raudra, Puragon and Dracobalt on the Fic Art page, are there not?
ShadowDusk (05/15/2009 00:57:08)
don't thank nagative about your work thank posative.
Lugia (05/15/2009 05:13:24)
Hey Butterfree, I was thinking about making a fanfic, but I've tried that and it sucked cause I suck at making regions and such, and it's boring to go over the already-made ones. I was wondering if I could use your region, Ouen, in my fanfic, and I'd credit you and everything, and it wouldn't include anything about your fanfic. Would that be okay?
Butterfree (05/15/2009 11:27:56)
…why would you rather use Ouen, a region you only know second-hand, than something you make up yourself (which is very easy; I refuse to believe you can just "suck" at it) or something you have actually experienced first-hand through a game? You can only have a very vague image of Ouen in your head, which is really not enough to go write a fanfic of your own about it.

Plus, you'd have to include the Ouen Gym leaders, which would mean you would be writing my characters.
Lugia (05/15/2009 12:51:09)
Well, I tried to make one before named Etai, but frankly I'm sick of the word already and the fanfic is a disaster. I just made it too good, as in perfect and happy. I guess I could try again, but one reason I wanted to write one with Ouen is because of Leta's ;)
Butterfree (05/15/2009 16:10:17)
Well, whether Leta actually comes with Ouen is kind of dubious. :P Technically I don't allow people to use my fake Pokémon's designs in fan-games and the like anymore, though I guess I don't mind fanfic that much. But you really don't need Ouen just to have Leta in it; we know there are no Leta in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh, but who is to say there are no Leta in Etai or whatever?

You can just create another region, you know, with a name you like more and less perfect and happy. :/ You shouldn't need somebody else's region for that.
Lugia (05/15/2009 22:54:27)
mmm, I've changed my mind now. Ouen is awesome, though. I just made a new Pokemon, and that was by making my very own sprite for the very first time!

Hehe, I feel accomplished ^^
Thanks btw

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