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06/20/2013: Eleven

The Quest for the Legends is eleven years old today (the nineteenth). My plans to finish posting it today turned out to be slightly off. Between work and the interactive type chart that I've spent way too long making for TCoD, I've had very little writing time recently, and although posting chapter 64 today would have been nice, I've just ultimately not had any time to finish editing it.

(I like the chapter, though. It has lots and lots of May.)

I'm going to be changing so many things about what I wrote for NaNo. It spends time on silly things and doesn't do other things I'd like to do and I've changed my mind about various decisions I made.

I'm hoping to get quite a bit of writing done in July. I'm also going to be moving out, getting married and going on a honeymoon trip to Las Vegas in July, but on the other hand I'm going to be taking a leave from work for all or most of the month, which means finally free time. Hopefully.


eevee_em (06/20/2013 01:58:16)
Nice to see there's progress being made, can't wait for the next chapter!

Also congrats on getting married :)
ShadowSerenity57 (06/20/2013 09:49:24)
First off, hot damn, congrats on the marriage! You've got quite the busy July.

Completely understandable, in regards to the editing. Writing something for NaNo tends to be rushed and not the best work, however good the intention of the event is, so there's no worries there. Besides, it did motivate you to actually finish it anyway, after all.

And finally, happy birthday to TQftL! (Better late than never.)
opaltiger (06/20/2013 13:20:07)
Have I mentioned how utterly hilarious I find it that you're going to Las Vegas, of all places?
Chibi (06/21/2013 16:37:30)
Honeymoon in Vegas? xD Haha, awesome! That's where I grew up. Have fun!
Negrek (06/21/2013 23:55:35)
Congrats on getting married and moving out! Sounds like exciting times!

I'm with opaltiger on you and Las Vegas, I must admit. Hope you enjoy Penn and Teller, though–I'll bet that's going to be awesome.

Looking forward to the chapter, too–I'm down with lots and lots of May!
SilverLatios47 (06/22/2013 00:49:48)
Congratulations and good luck!!
en (08/12/2013 20:06:21)
clearly the solution is to post the rest of the nanochapters as ilcoe, then fork the isdhct for edited! that would totally work, right!

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