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11/22/2012: NaNoWriMo: Aside

Something about a particular character that I didn't know before just came to light as I was writing chapter 73. Then I realized it had been carefully set up by a couple of different scenes in a much earlier NaNo chapter that I'd had earmarked for being messed with in editing because they seemed strange and sounded like they were leading up to something when they weren't, or so I thought.

How do these things even happen, seriously.


Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/22/2012 14:27:51)
Seems like you're having a lot of 'realizations' over the course of this NaNo. Do you think after the fic you could do a little extra detailing the stuff you realized during NaNo? I mean the stuff you're alluding to in these blog posts specifically.

Also on an unrelated note, I had a(nother) dream about QftL last night where Mark had a Wobbufett that inexplicably died one night and he was going all over the place trying to figure out just what the hell had happened but the Pokémon Center didn't open til 8 am or something and when he finally did go they couldn't help unless he had a Dark-type Pokémon to try and shock the Wobbufett awake or something (idk either) and in the dream I guess he didn't have Weavile and May didn't have Mutark?? idk but basically Wobbufett was left to die :C
Butterfree (11/22/2012 14:52:28)
This is what normally happens when I write the fic; I had a similar experience with chapter 57, for instance, where I could feel there was something important I was missing about Stantler's old trainer and then I took a shower and realized he'd killed himself and suddenly everything about Stantler's personality made sense. You're just seeing it because I'm blogging about it every day now, and it looks particularly concentrated because I've been doing like a year's worth of writing in this one month.

I'm always a bit D: over the prospect of making public the ridiculous number of things that look elaborately planned and foreshadowed but were actually bolted on on spur of the moment and just miraculously lined up with something that looks like planning and foreshadowing, but maybe. (Really, I'm okay with saying there is a ridiculous number of things like that, but some of them are really embarrassingly important.)

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