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11/21/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 20

I'm at 335,299 words, which means I've written 2104 words today and am officially ahead again, with 33,421 November-words written when I should be at 33,333. I've also finished chapter 72 (I ended up moving a bit of what I wrote yesterday over to chapter 72, since it fit better there topic-wise and made for a better balance between these chapters).

The reason I was so quick with this is that, if you forgot, chapter 72 was what I mentioned at the beginning of the month as the next chapter I'd been planning for years and was thus really excited about writing. So that was fun. :D (It has Rick in it.)

Then chapter 73 will be a bit of a breather chapter about which my ideas are kind of rough (I mean, I know what actually needs to happen in it but I'm planning to include some charactery conversation as well), chapter 74 is another planning-this-for-way-too-long, chapter 75 is ALL THE PLOT and will be really fun and really hard to do right, and chapter 76 is the end. Unless I end up doing a separate epilogue as I used to intend to before I wrote the chapter plan. We'll see.


opaltiger (11/21/2012 12:06:22)
eevee_em (11/21/2012 14:13:51)
*insert hype hear*
Can't wait to read the rest of the fic!

Also wright the epilogue. I want to find out who Alan's mom is.
Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/21/2012 15:18:58)
I've been following the fic ever since I found TCoD back in 2005. I can absolutely not believe that it's almost over. This is crazy. It's like. How does this happen what why
elyvorg (11/21/2012 20:37:14)
Didn't opal promise to cheerlead /with pom-poms/? >:O
Spoon (11/21/2012 22:24:45)
elyvorg: *\ .o. /* ?
SilverLatios47 (11/22/2012 01:10:40)
To celebrate this whole thing, I've been reading the old versions of the fic for the fun of it. Pidgeotwo's Claw Drop sounds suspiciously like Sky Drop, which I find very cool.

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