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11/07/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 6

I'm really digging how well I'm keeping this up. After the past several years where I've failed pathetically at pseudo-NaNoing, I thought I might just have lost the ability to write terrible fast nonsense.

I'm at 312,398 words now; I've finished chapter 65 and am now on the third page of chapter 66. That's 2036 words since yesterday and 10,510 total NaNo words, 510 ahead of where I should be assuming 50,000 words for the final product. In terms more in line with what I'm actually doing, I've written just over three chapters out of the nearly fourteen I had left when I started, which is promising since that's more than a fifth - of course, that would be assuming the remaining chapters are about as long as these three, which I have no idea about. The next few chapters are probably the ones I'm most unsure about content-wise; some spur-of-the-moment stuff that happened in the past couple will affect what happens in them, and as always my ideas like to flow best while I'm actually writing the fic so now I've thought of a bunch of things I'd rather do with them than I'd originally planned (which is fine, because I wasn't that wild about the original plan). This will be interesting. Hopefully I can keep up the pace and the result will not be irredeemably nonsensical.

Chapter 72 is probably the next one I've been looking forward to for an appreciable amount of time, so getting to that will be exciting.

Also, it's not quite as ludicrously late as yesterday! Victory!


Chibi (11/07/2012 08:44:41)
These daily updates are the best thing ever. Your success at producing terrible fast nonsense is made of awesomes.
Thomas_10 (11/07/2012 13:41:01)
Yay! I hope you're feeling better than yesterday!
SilverLatios47 (11/07/2012 22:08:52)
Whoo! Awesome!! I know you can make it, Butterfree!
I can imagine how this month will end up in the history articles of TQftL.

Yes, daily updates are awesome. Keep on truckin'!!

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