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06/04/2012: Chapter 61 up

Chapter 61: Mewtwo

There is plot! Gasp.

Fun fact: If you read Morphic or follow my Twitter or whatever, you may know of the time I made a typo and wrote "He was fucking scientist" instead of "He was a fucking scientist". Well, apparently there is just something with me and forgetting articles before phrases in the form [expletive] [noun], because I'd read this chapter many times over before opal (who betaed the chapter) found out I'd managed to write "It doesn't mean he's goddamn Destroyer", instead of "It doesn't mean he's the goddamn Destroyer".

Another fun fact: this chapter has way too many italics tags.


Polymetric Sesquialtera (06/04/2012 09:48:56)
Well I'll be damned.
AnnaAdelmeister (06/05/2012 11:35:24)
Amazing as usual.
Scytherian Poetry (06/06/2012 11:13:08)
Really good. Getting a bit complex now. I'm liking it. And now we're involving TIME TRAVEL! Always a good way to mess with people's heads.
Sapph (06/12/2012 19:59:49)
awesome… no other way to explain it. Random question, how do you plan on incorperating Unova Pokemon?
Butterfree (06/13/2012 00:21:53)
If I find occasion for them to appear, they will. That's pretty much all there is to it. As with the third and fourth generations, the fic will pretend the fifth-generation Pokémon have been there all along but just happened not to be brought up until now.
Sapph (06/13/2012 18:59:53)
what about the legends?
Butterfree (06/13/2012 22:04:11)
In chapter 25, Chaletwo listed the legendaries that still remain to be caught, which automatically implies all the others have been caught, even legendaries that weren't around when I wrote chapter 25.

So all the Unova legendaries have already been caught and will probably not be brought up in the fic.
Sapph (06/20/2012 13:28:42)
That is smart, I didn't think of that, I guess it implies they were caught, I guess I just didn't realize that it could work with the new ones, although I really would like to see Latios, Latias, and Keldeo.

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