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01/05/2012: Chapter 60 progress

Thought I'd write a bit of an update. I'm on the seventh page of chapter sixty, as my signature says, and the going's pretty fast when I'm actually working on it. I don't know when I'll finish, exactly, because I'm still not quite sure how long it's going to be (I'm going to wait for how things evolve organically to decide whether and how certain things should happen), but I'm at least definitely more than halfway done.

I quite like this chapter so far. Writing it feels like writing Scyther's Story/The Fall of a Leader. I'm a little worried about how this chapter will come across to people who haven't read the spin-offs, though; maybe it'll just seem to be introducing a bunch of tangential stuff without going into it properly. Oh, well. It all does serve a purpose and I don't think it's confusing without having read the spin-offs, so it should be okay.

I dreamt something about Mark and May being engaged for an arranged marriage or something (it could also be that they somehow got engaged by accident or that it was necessary to save the world or whatever; either way, they were still twelve). They were having lunch somewhere talking about how annoying that was and how they're kinda friends and all but why do they have to get married? I really enjoyed that dream because they were delightfully in character about it and I just generally love dreaming about my characters. Also, it just amused me that even in a dream where they're somehow engaged, they're just there going "yeahhh no".


AnnaAdelmeister (01/05/2012 12:07:11)
Thank you for telling us how the chapter is going! That dream sounds really funny. I always like to dream about fictional people, too.
Polymetric Sesquialtera (01/05/2012 13:53:19)
Believe it or not I've actually had a few dreams involving the QftL characters. These were many many years ago so I barely remember the details, but one I do remember pretty well involved the main characters (and me, for some reason, because this was my dream :V) going to catch a legendary which lived in the ground underneath a house. It rose up from below the house (destroying the house in the process) and was some sort of Groudon/Steelix mix. I got eaten by it before they had a chance to catch it so I don't know how that went.

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