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09/20/2011: Progress at last

So chapter 59's been stuck on the first page for a while now, but now suddenly it's on page three. I've written a certain fun revelation (it's not that interesting, but it amuses me because it's this little thing that nobody's seen coming or had any real reason to see coming even though it was very vaguely hinted a long, long time ago) and hopefully the rest of what I'm planning to put in the chapter is enough material to not make this chapter too ludicrously short to be worth it after the wait.

Then it's chapter sixty, which I've been rather looking forward to for a while even though my ideas of what will actually happen in it are still pretty vague. I have reasonably good reason to expect it'll be one of those chapters that write themselves. You'll see why.


SilverLatios47 (09/20/2011 01:39:10)
Color me excited. Checking this page every day for a month finally pays off X3 I can't wait for the new developments!
Ninjask (09/21/2011 18:08:04)
SilverLatios, I hear you! Everyday after homework I check this site, and everyday I end up disappointed. But the wait is definitely worthwhile. Carry on the great work!
Swarzide (10/01/2011 14:47:13)
It's kind of ironic that the second sentence of the preview says, "That was quick." Can't wait to read it!
Ninjask (10/01/2011 17:17:45)
On which page is this hint???
Butterfree (10/01/2011 17:52:55)
Huh? What do you mean, on which page? The hinting was early-fic, as in way, way, way early where nobody could really be expected to pick up on it. (And, well, it was hinted again more recently, but again too vaguely for anyone to pick up on it.)
Karpi (10/14/2011 19:27:04)
I suspect that Charizard is a clone. Unless I'm absolutely crazy and it has been specified otherwise, it seems plausible and is something annoying that has been bothering me for a long time.
DarkUmbreon (10/15/2011 21:17:57)
@Karpi he can't be a clone. i dont remember the exact chapter, but i think the chapter they meet Ash you find out charizard is not a clone.
Butterfree (10/16/2011 00:35:30)
The characters at least seem pretty confident that Charizard was a Charmander bred by Ash and given to Taylor as his starter Pokémon, which Taylor wanted to get rid of exactly because he wasn't a clone. But in theory it could turn out all that was a lie or a conspiracy or a misunderstanding.
DarkUmbreon (10/16/2011 17:25:52)
wouldn't he have been saying charitwo the whole time if he was a clone?
SilverLatios47 (10/17/2011 17:50:18)
That would be a SUPERclone made by Rick. And Charizard has not displayed absurd amounts of power for his level and species, neither does he have any different patternings the Super Clones Catertwo, Pikatwo(Raitwo) and the rest of them had.

I'd say its safe to say that Charizard is not a super clone. A normal clone, sure, why not? But why that would be significant, I couldn't think of.
DarkUmbreon (10/17/2011 20:13:16)
good point… maybe they find out that if you clone the legendaries, the clones don't have their power zapped? so then they could just *morbid warning* kill off all the rest of the legendaries?
SilverLatios47 (10/19/2011 00:35:43)
If clones of the legends weren't getting zapped, than the regular clones Rick uses for the Gym battles would show that. Hm. They ARE a young level so maybe you're onto sometihing…
SilverLatios47 (10/19/2011 00:35:46)
If clones of the legends weren't getting zapped, than the regular clones Rick uses for the Gym battles would show that. Hm. They ARE a young level so maybe you're onto sometihing…
DarkUmbreon (10/19/2011 14:49:04)
haha i was just messing around when i said that, but you never know… it would make sense.. and the clones were made at a time when a lot of power had already been zapped, so they would be a clone with that power, but nothing more…
Butterfree (10/19/2011 15:17:10)
I feel obligated to point out that it has already been established, both in Ask the Author/Characters and at least implied in the fic itself, that Rick's clones do count for the purposes of the War, i.e. they get their power drained (though only by minute amounts, since they're so low-leveled aside from Mewtwo^2) and if they're not inside Pokéballs when the Destroyer releases the legendaries' power they will go mad and destroy everything.
DarkUmbreon (10/19/2011 18:06:44)
Haha dang
Well, can't wait to read the chapter :)
Kevin (10/24/2011 14:52:41)
Well, if they count, then wouldn't that be a really effective way to prevent the war? Mass produce millions of legendaries, so that, when the power is released all at once, the power will be split between a huge number of individuals, enough to prevent any particular individual from becoming too powerful and going crazy.

Unless, of course, they count for the draining, but don't receive the boost, which, then, mass producing them would make it worse…
DarkUmbreon (11/23/2011 02:37:43)
has anybody heard anything about the chapter lately?
Butterfree (11/23/2011 04:44:26)
I heard it's almost done but the author's too busy playing Heroes VI and writing this random one-shot that refuses to come out right to finish it.
DarkUmbreon (11/23/2011 15:47:48)
Haha completely understandable

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