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06/20/2011: Ninth Anniversary

On June 19th 2002, I sat down and started writing a silly little Pokémon story about a boy named Mark. Today, I'm putting the finishing touches on chapter 57 of that same story, on page 637 of the Word document (albeit one started in 2004 with the HMMRCIG version).

In the intervening nine years, I've completely replaced my plot plans several times, rewritten the story even more times, discovered uncountable fascinating new tidbits about the characters in my journeys exploring them, and grown to love this stupid thing to an obsessive enough degree to make a mini-website for it with far too much rambly content, code my own forum for it, write two novella-length spin-off stories and, perhaps most glaringly, still be writing it at all despite that it's a barely-coherent mess started when I was twelve years old.

The chapter will be put up later tonight. I just wanted to get the birthday update up properly before midnight (my time). Happy birthday, dear fic. Looking forward to next year when I'll be able to say I've been writing a Pokémon fanfic for more than a decade.


Chaos16 (06/20/2011 00:35:39)
As someone who's been following this fic for nearly three years, I'm proud to call myself a fan of this "barely-coherent mess" (I believe twenty-some chapters have been written in that time, which is really a lot).

Butterfree, thanks for killing so much of my time and giving me something else to obsess over XD Can't wait for the next chapter, as always.

Happy birthday fic, and many more! :D
ShadowDusk (06/22/2011 18:04:44)
Wow 9 years, now that's something to be prod of. happy birthday fic! I can't wait for the next chapter!

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