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10/05/2010: D:

Oh, my poor precious neglected fic.

So here's the deal. I'm writing the last chapter of Morphic (after which I can then rewrite the whole thing). And a series of Morphic-related… things. And working and doing university homework and trying to work on my site and so on and so on and long story short, I still haven't started chapter 56, or done much in the way of planning it or the like. Even that explanation of the Waterberg principle is sort of hanging in limbo right now.

So I suppose I owe you at least a little bit of an apology for making you wait. At least chapter fourteen of Morphic will hopefully be up sooner than later if you read that, and after that I may be in a more TQftLy mood. And I may still rewrite Scyther's Story/The Fall of a Leader in November.


Sands Buisle (10/05/2010 16:07:51)
Good, though I don't like Morphic much since chapter 13… <barfs>
Butterfree (10/05/2010 16:54:36)
If you found chapter thirteen that shocking, are you sure you should have been reading it in the first place? :/ How old are you?
Storm Charizard (10/05/2010 21:21:56)
Ah, I was wondering what the wait was. :) Good to hear, even if I haven't read Morphic yet… *cough*
Happy (10/06/2010 06:56:19)
I don't know why I'm surprised by this, but I'll say it anyway.


bahahaha well MORE POWER TO YOU! Of course, there's always gonna be things to improve, even if I don't see them. It'll likely be a good decision for the fic as a whole, since there's less to actually rewrite.
I just like reading your stories in general, so whether it's a Morphic or TQftL chapter in the works, I'm happy! Looking forward to reading it, and hope you're handling uni well too!
Butterfree (10/06/2010 11:54:51)
Oh, I'll finish it first (no more of this tortuous delay before you can find out how it ends), but after that, yes, it's rewriting time. After all, when I started that thing my idea of what would happen in it amounted to "Some religious fundamentalists want to kill them at some point" (…and one of its primary genres was supposed to be humour, and nobody was supposed to die, but that's another story). I introduced important-sounding things that ended up never being brought up again (the random boy Mia takes a liking to in chapter 5/6, for instance) and spent literally the whole first half of the fic just introducing the morphs, before anything actually happened. And then there are logic issues like whoa.
Scytherian Poetry (10/07/2010 11:18:49)
This is Butterfree we're talking about; of course she's rewriting!
I'm happy with this; I've been hanging out for more Morphic.
Take your time. I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say that I would rather a long wait with a high-quality chapter than short wait, relatively lower-quality chapter. Also, don't put Cave of Dragonflies above university stuff. I'm sure thats been said before, but just dont waste four or however many years of study just for fan fiction. K? K.
Mudskipper (10/07/2010 15:52:03)
I can't wait for you to write more fics. Get it? More fics? Because it sounds like Morphic? Okay, I'll shut up now.
Butterfree (10/07/2010 16:03:28)
Also, don't put Cave of Dragonflies above university stuff.
Pssh. Prioritizing is for sensible people. I've spent eight years of my life writing the nonsensical Pokémon fanfic I started when I was twelve; therefore I am not one of those. QED.

I can't wait for you to write more fics. Get it? More fics? Because it sounds like Morphic? Okay, I'll shut up now.
Of course! There definitely will be more fic coming soon. But after that, since it's the last chapter, there will be no more fic.

Rose (10/08/2010 06:39:56)
Gah! The puns! They burn!


Morphic is really great; I hope to see more of it soon! Do take your time though. The last chapter is important. :)
Mudskipper (10/09/2010 13:43:26)
So groan-inducing! I'll consider that my punishment.
Joseph (10/10/2010 07:28:54)
They're not punny.
sarahc (10/10/2010 21:32:52)
why are you rewriting The Fall of a Leader? Scyther's Story I can understand, but FoaL seems completely separate from the QftL mythos. Unless it's not, of course…
Butterfree (10/11/2010 01:34:48)
why are you rewriting The Fall of a Leader? Scyther's Story I can understand, but FoaL seems completely separate from the QftL mythos. Unless it's not, of course…
What does its relevance to the QftL mythos have to do with whether it should be rewritten? o_O I want to rewrite it because it could be better, not because of anything having to do with TQftL.

In fact, it is relevant to the "QftL mythos" (one chapter in part IV retells the meeting in chapter 29 from Stormblade's point of view, and the main fic will revisit the swarm in a later chapter, after the events of The Fall of a Leader have taken place), but yeah, that doesn't really have anything to do with it.

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