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06/22/2010: Updates

The chapter is nearly done, I swear. It's just hard to get it to end and I need to be getting to bed since my first day of work is tomorrow.

On the other hand, to practice my AJAX and jQuery skills for said job, I went and randomly made inline editing of posts possible here on the forums. If you click the Edit link on one of your own posts and have Javascript enabled, the post will turn into a textarea and you can edit it right there instead of having to load a new page. Of course, if you don't have Javascript enabled, it'll just take you to the old edit post page and that should work exactly like it used to.

(The coding of this forum is really messy. I kind of want to redo it, or at least reorganize it. But I have better things to do first.)

I also rewrote the About section because I needed to update the age of the fic anyway and then I just felt like it.

EDIT: This is an edit done with the new inline editing thing. Whoo.

Oh, yeah, and feedback on that would be very much appreciated, especially if it's buggy or something.

ANOTHER EDIT: Fixed the BBCode parsing on the blog, which caused line breaks not to be parsed correctly in a post that had been edited inline.


Guest (06/22/2010 02:05:53)
Can guests edit comments?
shadow_lugia (06/22/2010 04:05:08)
Whoo, you got a job :D
On the other hand, I fail to see how AJAX connects to Internet coding. Are you talking about something I don't know about, or are you talking about the stuff I use to clean the toilet?
Butterfree (06/22/2010 09:12:19)
Can guests edit comments?
No. The forum can't know if you're the same guest who posted the original post or not. That's the point of registration.

On the other hand, I fail to see how AJAX connects to Internet coding. Are you talking about something I don't know about, or are you talking about the stuff I use to clean the toilet?
:P It's short for Asynchronous Javascript And XML and is basically a way for client-side Javascript to communicate with the server behind the scenes without the user needing to reload the page. Any web page that allows you to save data or to display new server-side data that didn't exist when you loaded the page without the whole page being refreshed is using AJAX to do it.

Inline editing is so fun that I'm doing it randomly just for the hell of it.
Pure Umbreon (06/22/2010 20:41:06)
I don't know how different in the About section since I haven't read it in forever, but it does give a nice summary anyway.

Ok, so I will test the edit out now.
Edit:Whoo! it works!!
Butterfree (06/22/2010 21:04:18)
I've… technically finished and proofread the chapter now, but I'm really unhappy with it. :/ I'm going to take a nap and see if I can improve it after that.

EDIT: Whoo, it's coming out a lot better now. Will be putting it up soon.

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