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06/19/2010: Happy Birthday to TQftL

On this day exactly eight years ago, my parents got married. And that same day, for some mysterious reason, I felt the urge to start writing a new Pokémon fanfic and created what was to become the most important Word document of my life. Little did I know that at the age of twenty I would still be stuck chugging on with that same story.

Yes, The Quest for the Legends is eight years old today. That makes it older than Mozilla Firefox, older than Firefly, and twice as old as my boyfriend's dog (whose name unfortunately does not involve fire). Happy birthday, my dear awkwardly plotted mess. Know that my love for you knows no bounds.

Unfortunately I haven't finished the chapter, since I've had to do a job assignment all day (monies!), but I will continue writing now and may or may not finish it before I go to bed. In which case, uh, it's totally still the nineteenth if I haven't gone to bed yet.

EDIT: I feel obligated to note that while the server thinks it's the twentieth, that's because it's in London. It's still twenty minutes to midnight on the nineteenth in Iceland. So there.


Kitsune (06/20/2010 00:23:02)
Yes! I'm the first birthday comment! Such an unexpected move! >D

Happy birthday, TQftL, and may I express my amazement that a fic started by a twelve year-old continues to be lovingly worked on eight years later! :3
Steele (06/20/2010 06:37:42)
Happy birthday, you little big bundle of awesomesauce that keeps me tied to fanfiction. :D

It's kinda funny that when you mentioned not expecting to still be writing this at the age of twenty, you still have a lot more to go.

Well, tell your parents happy anniversary from some idiot they don't even know and most likely never will.
elementalpenguin (06/20/2010 08:27:59)
This is what first got me into fanfiction… this fic right here.
Happy Birthday, TQftL! Happy Anniversary, Dragonfree's parents!
Sands Buisle (06/20/2010 09:26:04)
I'm overjoyed! Not just because of the fics birthday, but the summer holiday started one hour, 25 minutes and about 5 seconds before I posted this!
Oh-Paching (06/20/2010 16:37:05)
Hopefully you haven't gone to bed yet.
Pure Umbreon (06/20/2010 16:49:29)
Happy Birthday TQftL!
I must also agree with many of the other posters… if it weren't for this story, I probably wouldn't know what in the world fanfiction even was.
shadow_lugia (06/20/2010 23:46:40)
If it weren't for this fic, then I probably would never have given a second thought to Scyther, which is an awesome Pokemon that deserves more of my attention.
In other news, I have to wonder if you intentionally made the spam verifier Pokemon related to the fic, or if I'm just oddly lucky. I got Mew for the Prologue and now it's Gyarados.
Butterfree (06/20/2010 23:49:35)
No; it's the exact same spam verification script used in my guestbook, so it's completely random (and has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny). You were just insanely lucky.
Mudskipper (06/21/2010 03:59:08)
Happy Birthday, TQftL! One of the best pieces of Pokémon fanfiction out there.
Ice (06/21/2010 18:07:31)
You'll need to revise the About page, it says "seven years and counting," ahaha.

I started reading this in '06 or '07, and it seems like I've been sticking around with this forever when in reality it's been around for a lot longer o3o.

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