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04/29/2010: Random

Wow, I really want to rewrite Scyther's Story. Maybe I'll redo it for NaNoWriMo and try to get it to 50,000 words - a lot of it feels quite rushed, especially the last couple of parts.


Steele (04/29/2010 07:26:20)
Oh yeah. First comment. :3

…personally I like it how it is. Really. It doesn't need changed.
Butterfree (04/29/2010 17:05:37)
Oh, it does. It really, really does.
Steele (04/29/2010 19:37:50)
But then you will make it even more awesome and I'll end up crying more! D: (Really, I cry whenever I read Scyther's Story)

But there's probably no way to stop you. Go for it. *Prepares tissues*
Pure Umbreon (04/29/2010 20:42:48)
I suppose I can't stop you from rewriting it either, I like it as is right now, but you will improve on it. Soo… ok rewrite it then. =D
majicfrog (04/29/2010 23:21:00)
I personally think Scyther's Story was one of the most brilliant pieces you've ever written, but judging on your opinion of it, it might sound more like an insult than a compliment. Grargh.

Just remember to tell us when and which parts are being updated. I wouldn't mind reading it a third time.
Butterfree (04/30/2010 00:00:53)
Honestly? It's so aimless and pointless and poorly written and improperly thought out. :/ All I can think about when I read it is how much better I could do it now.
SilverLatios47 (04/30/2010 00:27:18)
Too lazy to log in…Butterfree spammer!!

You are a master at making me cry with Scyther's Story. But I had a feeling that you'd end up rewriting it. I love your Scyther society, and it's inspired me to do a story of Nidoran society, and Feraligatr society as well. I feel that you've opened up a whole new genre of Pokemon fanfiction.

Whatever you do with it, I'll always love Scyther's Story(and tFoaL of course).
majicfrog (04/30/2010 01:17:03)
@SilverLatios47: I considered the same thing (different pokemon, obviously), but I haven't been in a writing mood lately and everything I start writing I tend to abandom. :/
zeKieranator (04/30/2010 06:19:54)
Most of it was quite well-written, except for the last chapter. You were right - it did seem rushed.
Rose (04/30/2010 07:09:11)
Hello. I like Scyther's Story as-is, but if you feel that you must rewrite it, then please make sure to keep the one up now up with it, like you did for the rewrites of TQftL. I really really want to be able to read the original even after it (might be) rewritten. :)
elyvorg (04/30/2010 15:14:12)
Heh. The only thing off I ever noticed about Scyther's Story was that it felt a bit thin and in need of fleshing out. But you're the master of rewriting, so who are we to argue with you? xP
Butterfree (04/30/2010 16:17:45)
But it has way too many paragraph breaks! D: And awkwardly worded sentences all over the place and the entirety of part six is just so off and I should be showing more instead of telling and there are so many things about the society itself that just don't work.
Superbird (04/30/2010 19:35:17)
OK, you can rewrite it. But keep the original available so we can still see its original glory.
Tiffano (05/01/2010 00:53:29)
I wonder if we'll have another 7-years worth of rewrites for Scyther's Story. :P
Butterfree (05/01/2010 03:20:23)
Well, seeing as it's already complete, it would never be quite like TQftL's revision thing - TQftL's completion has actually been held back by it and made the fic ongoing for so very long. No matter how often I revise something like Scyther's Story, it will be a complete work; rather than seven years' worth of rewrites, it would just be a so and so many individual rewrites with so and so many years in between.

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