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03/08/2010: Annoyance

I'm not in a writing mood. I'm pressing on to finish the chapter anyway, but everything I write feels horribly worded and just wrong. Hopefully that can be fixed with proofreading.

At least chapter 53 will hopefully be relatively quick.


Pure Umbreon (03/08/2010 13:41:42)
*is moved in and has internet*

sorry your stuck in a non-writing mood… but aside from that, chapter 53 is hopefully quick? Is that because it is shorter or that you have more interest in writing that chapter? Or a combination of both?
Butterfree (03/08/2010 17:19:13)
I don't know exactly how long it will be, but it will probably at least be shorter than this one, and I do have more interest in it. As I've been saying, it's one of those chapters I've been looking forward to for years, and those tend to get done relatively soon in my experience.
Joseph (03/08/2010 17:28:09)
Hm. Seems that quite often, as you near the end of a chapter, you slow down your writing. Wonder why?
Butterfree (03/08/2010 18:11:59)
Quite often? No, not really in my experience. o_O Where are you deducing that from?
Steele (03/08/2010 19:06:51)
Take your time. Quality is better than quantity!
Joseph (03/08/2010 20:05:16)
Quite often? No, not really in my experience. o_O Where are you deducing that from?
…Not quite sure. Gut feeling? Mistaken recollections? Ah well, just ignore me. No point paying attention to me when I'm not sure of my facts.
ShadowDusk (03/08/2010 23:20:24)
I hope you get in the writing mood soon, because I'm certain we all are ready for the next chapter.
Me (03/09/2010 15:54:13)
Well, at least its still in the works, so at least its long……… many pages exactly?

Anyways, Butterfree, theres no need to rush yourself, it might come out in a lower quality than you want, take as much time as you need……..

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