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02/15/2010: Stuff

Every time I reread One-Shot A, I like it more. No particular point to this; just an observation.

Still writing chapter 52. It's gotten itself into a bit of a knot because this conversation is going places I never meant for it to go (though on the plus side, it's setting up some stuff that I'd been worrying would just come off as an asspull later), but it'll sort itself out. And then I can hopefully get to the main battle, which should be reasonably straightforward to write.

Chapter 53 will be fun.


Me (02/15/2010 12:39:28)

Wich conversation? The one with may chaletwo and tyranitar?

On the other hand………yay! chapter 53 is a-comin!
ShadowDusk (02/15/2010 14:04:04)
yay progress.
Butterfree (02/15/2010 18:21:45)
It isn't a conversation with May, Chaletwo and Tyranitar! @-@ Those were discrete items! The chapter has May in it, the chapter has Tyranitar in it, and the chapter has Chaletwo talking about souls, to Mark, alone. And it's that conversation.
Pure Umbreon (02/15/2010 19:51:17)

I wonder what happens in Chp 52 that will make chp 53 so much fun… one must be left to ponder such things… One Shot A is still around it appears, only makes me want to read it more. :D
SilverLatios47 (02/15/2010 23:24:03)
Where can I find this one-shot you speak of? :O
Butterfree (02/15/2010 23:31:33)
You can't. It's a top secret extra that will either be posted with chapter 75 or be directly implemented into the chapter itself.
Steele (02/16/2010 04:54:19)

…Aww……I liked the idea of Tyranitar speaking about souls in a helium-like voice…So, I this the battle I've been waiting for? The one that May finally loses?
elementalpenguin (02/17/2010 05:32:25)
You said there would be two battles… And so is one of them minor, since you said this is the "main battle?"
Butterfree (02/17/2010 10:20:50)
You could say that, yes.

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