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10/04/2009: Writing spreeeeeeee

Well. The chapter has doubled since last time and I'm on a roll, so I've changed my mind. The goal is no longer to finish the chapter before the end of October; it's to finish the chapter within a month from chapter 49. Since chapter 49 was posted on the tenth of September, that means unless my writing mood somehow dies, it's going to be up October tenth at the latest. And then I can go all "Look! I really do sometimes take less than a month to write a chapter!" and cackle manically.

This chapter is so fun, seriously. I was worrying about it just earlier today, but mweeheehee, it's all turning out just right now. It is epic! :D

If I sound hyper, that's because I'm kind of high on writing a particular fun character while eating candy and snuggling up to my boyfriend every now and then.


InnerDemon (10/04/2009 02:50:55)
Yayy! First comment again. I realize I have no life. Anyways~ Yay! Keep it up Butterrrrrrgirl. Looking forward to the chaptarr.
Pure Umbreon (10/04/2009 03:14:58)
and I am *still* intrigued. =D Nice that the chapter has doubled since you last posted too!
elyvorg (10/04/2009 09:23:32)
Ahaha, I think I know exactly who this fun character is. :3 Your comment about him/her that you left me on MSN last night made me squee muchly. 8D
opaltiger (10/04/2009 15:23:35)
oh shi-
SilverLatios47 (10/05/2009 00:19:24)
Is it Scyther? :D
Shiny Froslass (10/05/2009 02:33:49)
Yay! =D
Keep up the writing spree! I'm looking forward to it! ^-^
steele (10/05/2009 20:55:48)
Yay! I was getting emotional cause' my internet was down for three days, I have no life and I am addicted to your site! Another chapter! Party at my house! (OK not really)! -___- I need some friends!Or a life.
ShadowDusk (10/06/2009 20:29:44)
LOL you did sound hyper, but that's fantasist that your going to get the chapter up by the tenth!
Steele (10/06/2009 20:48:56)
WOOOO!PARTY!O.K. I litterally will have a party, but I expect no people to show up. If you live in the Western U.S then uhh…….I can't give you my adress so Uhh……..Whatever?
Lugia (10/06/2009 21:41:10)
Huzzah! I'm looking forward to it ;)
Kitsune (10/07/2009 02:00:19)
X3 I cannot wait!! And it's so great that you are nearly at fifty chapters! You are one dedicated author, Miss Butterfree.
Yay, Arceus spammy!

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