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11/22/2007: Damn.

Writing when you don't know at all where exactly you're going with the chapter and then gradually come to the same realization as the character while you are writing it feels freaking amazing. Especially with the second guitar solo of Comfortably Numb playing in the background. <3

There are parts of Scyther's Story II that I've hated to write under all the pressure of trying to finish it on time, but the little experiences like this in between make it all more than worth it. And what's even better, I'm quite a bit ahead now. I'm at just over 38,000 words, and the minimum for an average of 1666.666 words per day is 36,667. Yay for having more than 1333 words to fall back on in an emergency.


Happypants3 (11/22/2007 00:00:00)
While I can't decipher that first sentence extremely well (here I'm assuming you just got excited and didn't think properly =P), I guess that must've been pretty neat. Congrats to you ^_^ and great to hear how well you're doing!
Butterfree (11/22/2007 00:00:00)
Basically, it's a chapter that is basically an internal monologue where Shadowdart tries to figure out whether the Code was fully consistent or not. I had no idea beforehand what his conclusion would be, so I just got myself in character and then wrote down what "I" was thinking until Shadowdart reached a conclusion. And because of how much it means to him to reach that conclusion, I became really excited about it too, since after all I was figuring it out myself while thinking like Shadowdart. It was awesome.
Chaos Clown (11/22/2007 00:00:00)
I'm really looking forward to this, how long are you gonna spend on editing after NaNoWriMo is over?
Butterfree (11/22/2007 00:00:00)
However long it takes. I probably will be putting the parts up one by one as I finish each of them, though.

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