Comments on Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

At first I was skeptical about reading this series, but this is probably one of the best things I have ever read, the best fanfic I have ever read, and T-1st for the best Pokémon story I have ever read. (Pokémon Adventures) Thank you for providing this great story, and I look forward to reading the rest of it! (the reason I left the comment on this chapter and not the others was that my favorite Pokémon, Dialga, was on the spam verification)

[11/17/2012 22:30:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

Slight edit from last chapters comment
Alright we have
A traumatized Gyrados,Charizard,Eevee, and if you push it slightly Leta
a Dragonair
a Sandslash
and a Murderous and Suicidal and Alcoholic Scyther

[06/26/2012 22:39:33]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

Hvað er goatee?
Frumlegt að borgin sé undirlögð af þrumuveðrum. Mér kemur Bergen í hug. Þar rignir stanslaust allan veturinn, en 3 mánuði á ári er sumar og sól. Þess vegna hafa íbúarnir alls ekki flúið burt. Þeir þreyja rigninguna sumarsins vegna.

Reply: Hökutoppur.

[06/03/2010 18:00:59]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 30: The Dragons of Ouen

This is the second comment after the comment thingamajig crashed. What did the pokemon eat? (besides scyther, who drinks too much alcohal)

[06/23/2008 17:18:00]

Pages: 1