Comments on Chapter 28: Scyther's Revenge

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 28: Scyther's Revenge

“Scyther, you… you killed someone,” Mark said weakly when the world had more or less returned to normal, backing away slightly. In sudden nausea, he bent over and threw up his half-digested breakfast.

“No,” Scyther said in his usual, calm voice.

Mark raised himself up with an expression of horror and disgust, his legs trembling like jelly in an earthquake. “Don’t lie to me,” he said shakily. “There’s a body… You’ve got… you’ve got blood on your…”

“He’s not dead,” Scyther said coolly.

“What do you mean, he’s not dead?” Mark screamed, explosive anger taking over his mind. How dare he be so calm, how dare he use that voice…

“He’s not dead yet… I’m letting him bleed to death… Mark, listen to me…”

“Why would I listen to you?” Mark shouted back. “Why are you killing him? Who is that, anyway?”

“It’s Scizor’s trainer,” Scyther spat with uttermost loathing. Suddenly, a wave of understanding washed over Mark. He felt a little bit calmer; squeezing his eyes shut, he replied, “Even though it’s Scizor’s trainer, it’s no excuse to kill him… We need to get an ambulance now… I think May has a cellphone… we need to go and borrow…”

“Do we have to?” Scyther interrupted. These four words shattered everything that was left of Mark’s former view of Scyther to pieces.

“Yes, we have to,” Mark said, trying to keep calm.

Scyther sighed deeply. “You don’t understand, do you? I just saw him as I was returning to you, and I – I had to…”

“You didn’t ‘have to’!” Mark snapped. “You’re an idiot! Do you even realize what you’ve done? This is an attempted murder by a trained Pokémon! It breaks the Agreement! It’s…”

“I never meant to get you into trouble,” Scyther sighed. “I didn’t think that far.”

:o i just had to copy-paste that.

[06/26/2012 22:21:32]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 28: Scyther's Revenge

Up to now, even with Charletwo this was still just a particularly good journey fic. But now this entire thing is transformed into something darker…

[08/04/2010 16:51:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 28: Scyther's Revenge

Skil ekki fyrstu setninguna.

Það væri raunverulegra ef Mark krypi hjá hinum særða og reyndi að stöðva blæðinguna. Svo væri líka betra að hafa skýringu á því af hverju Mark finnst ómögulegt að segja sannleikann við May og Alan, við sjúkraflutningamenn, lögreglu. Vill hann vernda Scyther? Kannski augljóst, en mætti samt rekja hugsanirnar sem fljúga um hug Marks, þegar hann veltir fyrir sér möguleikunum.

Reply: Fyrsta setningin er "Author's note", innskot um það að ég fékk að láni hugmyndir annarrar manneskju, Iveechan, um það hvernig Hitmonchan lítur út án hanskanna og búningsins sem hann er alltaf sýndur í.

[03/28/2010 01:11:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 28: Scyther's Revenge

Even though you spelled 'license' correctly in chapter 22, you keep spelling it as 'licence' in this chapter.

[04/04/2009 04:24:45]

Pages: 1