Comments on Chapter 14: Thief and Victim

Pages: 1

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 14: Thief and Victim

"“Also,” the policewoman added thoughtfully, turning to Taylor, “Quilava? Didn’t you say it was a Charmeleon?”"


"If he was getting that Charmeleon, which the boy had thankfully evolved…"

He knew the Charmander was a Charmeleon before he found out the Charmander evolved into a Charmeleon? What? Or did he just guess?

Reply: He just guessed - that's why he's thankful Charmeleon really had evolved as he assumed even though apparently his base assumption that May had his Charmander was wrong.

[08/07/2012 02:22:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 14: Thief and Victim

In the last three lines you wrote: “You going to take him back or something?” Mark said in a horribly shaky voice.

“No,” she answered, handing the Pokéball to him while staring in the other direction. “I… threw him away… he’s not mine…”

Mark took the Pokéball, covered in sweat from May’s hand, and attached it back to his own belt. He knew both of them were thinking about the same thing: Officer Jenny’s eyes.

where you say him and he when talking about quilava. I might just be mistaken about something, but that is kinda confusing. Sorry if I just misunderstood something

Reply: No, he's talking about Charmeleon. May switched the balls so that she ended up taking Charmeleon back while Taylor is stuck with Quilava again. Now that May knows Charmeleon is the Charmander she threw away, Mark is initially worried she'll just want to reclaim him in place of retrieving her Quilava.

[09/13/2009 10:17:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 14: Thief and Victim

Nú fyrst veit May að Mark tók "eðluna" sem hún henti frá sér, eftir að hún fékk hana frá Taylor. En ég skil ekki þetta með Mewtwo2. Það hlýtur að koma í ljós í næsta kafla

[07/25/2009 18:11:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 14: Thief and Victim

"His first clone, Pikatwo, contained in his other Clone Ball, had never lost a battle."

o.O But didn't Pikatwo lose to Quilava in the extra for chapter 7?

Reply: Well, he pretends that never happened. :P Or something.

[03/15/2009 02:21:45]

Pages: 1