Comments on Chapter 13: The Black Desert

Pages: 1

Jessica Z
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 13: The Black Desert

When the day is away, the Scorplack will play?

[06/21/2012 03:08:47]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 13: The Black Desert

Odd that Game Freak decided to make a poison/dark type scorpion pokemon in generation 4. things that make ya go hmm…

[11/23/2011 18:37:43]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 13: The Black Desert

Absolutely epic. great detail about the Scorplack invasion, no improvements at all.

Oh, one question: does the three of Charizard (from charmeleon (seen the art)), Butterfree and Scyther end up being released and meet up with the Mew Hunter's Fangcat? or are the three mascots the inspiration for the story itself? just wondering…

i know ill probably get told "read it for yourself", but…curiosity for the sake of curiosity.

P.S/ im sorry about double posts - its a security setting which posts anything with a script relating to an e-mail adress gets sent twice (in case the first file gets lost - dont ask) anyway, ive turned it off for my particular e-mail , so no double posts!


Reply: The Charizard, Butterfree and Scyther in this story have nothing to do with the site mascots; it just happens that they're my favorite Pokémon and therefore when I was twelve I wanted to stick them everywhere. The Mew Hunter's Fangcat, likewise, is completely unrelated to the random Fangcat I stuck into the splash page backstory. Don't think there is any relation between the two.

[04/19/2010 18:18:55]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 13: The Black Desert

Þetta var skemmtilegur kafli, spennandi, góð hugmynd með "skuggann" sem færðist yfir eyðimörkina. Og gaman að lesa um muninn á mönnum og pokemonum.

[05/26/2009 22:53:01]

Pages: 1