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Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Final Stretch – Chapter 71: Shattered

Jeez. I guess it's divine law that happiness and admiration can't exist so close to the last chapter. Mark and May seem to be headed for rock bottom, but I'm hoping they'll just break through rock bottom and keep heading further downward.

It's cool how the group fell apart so naturally. Tyranitar turning himself in was unexpected, and it's interesting how he lied about the circumstances of Taylor's murder. A lot of this chapter pulled out references to earlier ones, and given the TV report's emphasis on the police, plus how the League Finals proved that Mewtwo^2 can ignore Dark-type immunity, I'm not counting on Tyranitar's real role remaining buried for long.

Speaking of earlier references, the focus on Rick and the Mew Hunter suggests that genuine human antagonists are returning and it's odd to be reminded of how they've already been met and survived. After so many legendary fights and insane Pokémon, dealing with some human insanity seems weird for seasoned legendary hunters.

The Mew Hunter's diary gave him some good characterization, and I enjoyed seeing how he justifies his actions to himself. I don't think I'll see him again, but I really look forward to the next chapter and possibly getting insight on how Rick sees the world.

[11/19/2016 20:53:50]

... Anonymous
Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 53 Extra: April Fools

… … … … … … … "I must release my poor pokemon from their horrible balls! That way I can release them and die to then next wild pokemon I see!" -Taylor

Reply: I'm… genuinely not sure what point you're trying to make there. You do realize this is a joke chapter and none of it's supposed to make sense, right? If anything, the sentence you're mocking is one of the most sensible parts of it.

[10/22/2016 12:21:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

It says strong spirit spirit form instead of strong spirit form.

[07/15/2016 03:36:57]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: The Pokémon Festival – May 25th: Chaletwo's Arrival

Ah hah! I've got it! The Destroyer is… Chalenor! (He is very very most likely not, but if he is then I will my non-existant hat.)

[07/08/2016 01:32:06]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70 Extra: Not Alone

It's awesome. Chaletwo has issues, Waraider and friends have issues, and there's a Pachirisu who's too much of an innocent precious Poffin to understand issues. I feel horrible for reading it and want to give them all hugs. 10/10.

Waraider's gotten a lot of characterization despite having so little screentime (fictime? paragraphtime?) when compared to the main cast, and he's completely defied my attempts to figure out what exactly his issues are beyond a few hazy guesses regarding internal conflict and uncertainty.

You've really created an amazing character in Waraider, and even though the structure of the fic is discouraging me from hoping to see more of him, it'd be nice if it happened.

[07/01/2016 03:58:45]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70 Extra: Not Alone

I like Waraider even more now. I think there should be a comma in between "So he leaves them alone and retreats to some of the places that he likes" and "where he feels a little better,"?

[06/29/2016 15:20:51]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 31: Spirit

In the sentence "“Um… Chaletwo sorta… broke into my dream tonight,”" I think it should be last night instead of tonight.

Reply: Yeah, definitely. We use the same phrase for it in Icelandic and I didn't realize "tonight" is strictly "the upcoming night" in English until later.

[06/21/2016 17:30:04]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

Wouldn't Mark have already known what teleportation feels like from that Exeggcute teleporting him to Green Town? Or is it different because Felix was teleporting repeatedly?

Reply: Yeah, it's different because he's doing it repeatedly. Teleporting once is mildly disorienting for a second, but many teleports in a row really start to mess with your brain.

[06/15/2016 02:37:37]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 70: Waraider

I like this chapter so much I think I'll explode. It is now my favorite chapter.

[06/08/2016 03:08:40]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 7 Extra: The Full Story

Cyndaquil backs aren't black.

[04/27/2016 14:57:03]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 1: The Pokémon on the Road

"At least, he heavily stood up, and got in line with the few other kids in sixth grade who weren't out training Pokémon." Did you mean "At last" or is it not a typo?

Reply: I meant it like "anyway". There's a lot of funky grammar and phrasing in the earlier chapters; English is my second language and I wasn't nearly as good at it in 2004 as I thought.

[04/24/2016 03:28:46]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out

I think there's an inconsistency here – around the time when Entei starts spamming Extrasensory, Mark notices Jolteon "suffering the same fate" and recalls him. After the kids realize that Entei's dead, though, Mark recalls Jolteon again.

I think I understand more of this chapter now than I did when it was first published. Things like Leah's establishing characterization, Entei's justification for the "Chosen" plot, and Mark's disillusionment all seem to have more depth to them now that the later chapters have better shown why the characters act the way they do, and I also find Leah's dig at Chaletwo in chapter 69 a lot funnier now that I know she was referencing something I'd seen before.

I like that the fic really rewards the reader for picking up earlier chapters again and remembering the details, and I think that it's one of its strong points. I look forward to the rest of it. ^ . ^

Reply: Haha, whoops. I usually keep track of exactly which Pokémon are still standing in a text file of notes as I write legendary battles, but I guess I forgot to update Jolteon's status there.

I'm glad you enjoy it on a reread! Don't go too far back unless you're prepared, though. :P (I'm going to do a silly commentary thing after the end, though, where we can all bask in the ridiculous glory of my fourteen-year-old writing together.)

[04/21/2016 06:25:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 51: Fake-Out

Why do you sometimes use … and sometimes use …?

Reply: I'm not doing anything different; I think at some point Word just stopped autocorrecting them.

[04/11/2016 13:30:00]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 65: Three Dragons

Wouldn't Alan's arm be hurt by May catching him like that?

Reply: May's flying down at the same speed he is at the time, so no.

[04/03/2016 17:47:34]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 17: The Shark and the Serpent

Just rereading chapters for fun and noticed a fakemon – monarking. Will there be more descriptions of this ? :D

Reply: I'm afraid not! Monarking was completely pointless and only ever appeared in this one chapter.

[03/25/2016 08:26:28]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 69: Lies

Nú fer spennan að aukast. Bæði þrengist hringurinn um May, allir að spyrja og sumir að kjafta frá. Og svo eru þau komin á sporið með síðasta goðsagnahópinn.

[03/24/2016 12:29:35]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 68: Truths

Sú innri barátta sem Mark háir við Chaletwo er mjög flott. En ég skil ekki, hvorki í þessum kafla, né undanförnum köflum, hvenær rödd Chaletwos heyrist og hvenær ekki. Þeas stundum heyra May og þau hin í honum og svara honum, þó hann sé í líkama Marks. Svo þegar þau eru með einhverjum utanaðkomandi, þá er stundum eins og viðkomandi heyri ekki rödd Chaletwos. En það virðist ekki vera reglan að utanaðkomandi heyri hana ekki, heldur er það tilviljanakennt, eða hvað?

Annað er að mér finnst skrítið hvað fólki bregður lítið við að heyra að heimurinn sé að farast. Vilja jafnvel frekar halda áfram að reka veitingastaðinn sinn heldur en að berjast. Gott og vel, sumir eru hræddir við stríð, en þá ættu þeir að verða skelfingu lostnir og vilja skríða í skjól, eða fara í afneitun og mótmæla sögunni kröftuglega, ákveða að hún sé bull.

Reply: Það er ekki tilviljanakennt, heldur ræður hann því hverju sinni hversu langt rödd hans heyrist. Ef hann er bara að tala við Mark, þá talar hann bara inni í höfðinu á Mark, en ef hann þarf að tala við aðra þá lætur hann það heyrast innan ákveðins radíusar frá Mark (það eru þó takmörk fyrir yfir hversu stóran radíus hann getur náð). Þannig hefur það alltaf verið, ekki bara í þessum síðustu köflum. Ég held það sé yfirleitt nokkuð skýrt af samhenginu hvenær hann er að tala bara við Mark og hvenær ekki.

Ég held það sé stór munur á að segja fólki að heimurinn sé að farast og "Það steðjar að hætta, en við ætlum að stöðva hana." Mér finnst ekki rökrétt að manneskja sem heyrir þessa sögu fari í afneitun - þau segjast vera að redda málunum, og ef þú vilt ekki trúa að heimurinn farist, þá er miklu einfaldari og sálfræðilega þægilegri leið að trúa að þá reddi þau örugglega málunum.

Sparky myndi vilja hjálpa, en telur sig ekki vera réttu manneskjuna til þess - hann á ekki mjög sterka pokémona og heldur að hann yrði ekki til mikils gagns, þangað til þau sannfæra hann. Það er ekki rétt að segja að hann vilji bara frekar halda áfram að reka veitingastaðinn sinn - hann minntist bara á veitingastaðinn á þeim grundvelli að það sé til betra fólk en hann með minni skuldbindingar.

[03/19/2016 15:11:41]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 67: Friends

Fínn kafli sem fjallar svo sem ekki um annað en það að þau eru að safna liði.

[03/16/2016 16:45:39]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 66: Doubts

Þetta var góður kafli. Spennandi hvort Alan fer eða ekki. Samtalið þroskað. Og svo spyr maður sig hvort Mitch komi ekki aftur við sögu síðar?

[03/13/2016 18:50:44]

Story: The Quest for the Legends (ILCOE)
Chapter: Chapter 69: Lies

I love how nonchalantly Leah says “Then again, we’re a bunch of teenagers going around fighting gods, so, you know.” It had me cracking up for a few minutes.

[03/11/2016 05:24:03]

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