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01/22/2009: Stalling

Creative juices still dry. Still obsessing over random irrelevant things with my boyfriend (this time it's Boston Legal).

…well, almost dry. I actually wrote the beginning of chapter ten of Morphic the other day, but that's not what I ought to be talking about here. Then I reread what I have of chapter 46, or at least parts of it, and got stuck again on that same word in that same sentence. Figures. Actually, the entire point of that part is to describe that a particular Pokémon is about to faint. Maybe I could get past this by just making it faint already. Goodness knows it's taken quite a few hits.


Pure Umbreon (01/23/2009 03:04:17)
^.^ nice to know that Morphic is in the works too! I love reading it!

eh, I don't know if it helps, but something like "panting heavily and visibly shaking all over, the creature looked as though the next attack would finish him/her off." I know you like to do your own work, but maybe that will spark an idea. :)

I am suspecting it is Letal that is about to faint, speculating from past things i.e. the whole "Letal turning into May" thing, but I could be majorly off. >_>
SilverLatios (01/29/2009 02:57:16)
I agree with Pure Umbreon.

This is a bit unrelated, but where did you say something about a Scyther's Story drinking game? I've been looking through past blog updates, but can't seem to find it. Was it eliminated in the database wipe? Or was it somewhere else?
Butterfree (01/29/2009 19:23:01)
I guess the Fall of a Leader drinking game was deleted in the database wipe, but as far as I remember you were basically supposed to drink when somebody is killed, when Shadowdart uses some metaphor to the effect of "sliding down the slippery slope" or "sinking deeper into the pit" of immorality, and when somebody commits suicide.

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