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11/28/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 27

I managed to fall asleep twice today when I was going to get my writing done after work, so all things considered, I think it's pretty good that I'm still on schedule NaNo-wise: 346,884 words, 45,006 in November, goal is 45,000. But I only managed that by eating up the buffer I've been building up over the past several days, so that was only 1101 words today.

Revelations are happening. I'm on the eighth page of chapter 75 now; I don't think it should be that many more pages, though the wildcardness is still there and it will depend on the outcome.

I've been thinking about changing my posting plan a little: I think it might be a good idea to first edit the entire thing, get opal (and possibly elyvorg, if she's up for it?) to beta-read it then so that they can have a wider sense of the context when commenting on each chapter, and then edit each chapter more thoroughly individually before posting, taking their critiques into account. This would mean a longer gap before chapter 63 goes up but a shorter one between chapters once I do start posting.


elyvorg (11/28/2012 08:33:12)
Of /course/ I'd be up for it!

(although like most of my beta-reads I'd most likely just be squeeing over what's going on while offering very little useful critique. But you should totally still have me beta-read it anyway.)
Thomas_10 (11/28/2012 14:03:30)
How do you reply to a post with an account? Sorry, I'm trying to post here but don't know how. :(
SilverLatios47 (11/28/2012 23:24:28)
I like the idea. I can handle a longer wait for the first new chapter to go up, but I know from there I'm not going to want to wait for the concluding chapters.

Oh, darn you lucky beta-readers.
Polymetric Sesquialtera (11/29/2012 12:39:23)
after seeing your twitter post I seriously demand you write a one-shot where Chaletwo is a pimp

or make it canon
Thomas_10 (11/29/2012 22:26:13)
Yay! Posting stuff with the account is working! Good luck, Butterfree!

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