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11/27/2012: NaNoWriMo: Day 26

345,783 words, or 1721 since yesterday, leaving me at 43,905 words when the goal is 43,333.

I'm done with the One-Shot A scene and have started the next one; then it will be getting all the information that needs to come out to come out and integrating that properly with the action.

I fetched the original One-Shot A document after writing nearly all of the scene again and have concluded that I really like both of them but they have different emphases and rhythms. It will be hard to decide what if anything to use from the old version. Maybe I'll just post the old version as an extra after the chapter or something.

I'm not actually sure how long this chapter will be, so it's a bit of a wildcard; it could become quite long, or it could not be. Hopefully I'll finish it in the next couple of days, at any rate, so I have time for chapter 76 before the end of the month.


opaltiger (11/27/2012 13:17:42)
Even if you don't finish before the end of the month, something tells me chapter 76 won't take the usual five months. :P
thatoneguy (11/27/2012 17:02:56)
i would imagine having almost 44,000 words so far would make it acceptable to not quite finish chapter 76 by the end of the month. you're already down to the last two chapters which alone is very impressive :)
res (11/27/2012 23:50:30)
of course not, it'll take an abnormal five years or thereabouts, I am right.

we need to see old and pre-edit versions of ~everything~! all the everythings!

also :DDD whales

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