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07/24/2012: Prophetic?

I dreamt that I woke up one morning really stoked about writing the final chapter of the fic. I got the whole thing down in one sitting and posted it everywhere and felt marvellous to have finally finished it.

Then as nobody was commenting on it, I suddenly realized that I wasn't actually up to the final chapter. I mean, I knew that the characters were still on their way to fight Raudra and Puragon again. So why had I just been writing the final chapter? Finally it occurred to me, within the dream, that I'd dreamt I'd written all the intervening chapters, and that was why I'd woken up thinking all that was left was the final chapter.

Then I frantically scrambled to delete it before everyone would see how the fic ends ahead of time, except Serebii had been reorganizing his fanfic forum so that there was a special subforum for "Epic Fics" and most completed fics had special separate forums of their own and I couldn't find it. And then my computer had a virus that was preventing me from accessing the Internet by spawning windows with ocean backgrounds that kept trying to download things and would always pop up again when I closed them. I woke up before ever managing to remove the chapter.

This is totally going to happen.


Sands (07/24/2012 16:34:26)
At some point in your rant, I got lost. At which point did you wake up for real and do things in real life? 'cause I'm confused…
Butterfree (07/24/2012 22:23:45)
At the end, where "I woke up before ever managing to remove the chapter." There was a bit of dream-within-a-dream in there. (And, of course, in real life there was no chapter to remove.)
Sapph (07/24/2012 23:10:42)
holy crap that is confusing
Eeveefan14 (07/25/2012 00:16:57)
That was hilarious XD

Perhaps your subconscious is trying to tell you to finish chapter 62 soon so this won't happen *hopeful* XD
sreservoir (08/05/2012 21:40:54)
well clearly you should do everything possible to prevent viruses from existing.

also feh viruses are those still a thing
ShadowDusk (08/08/2012 01:59:30)
that would suck if that really happened
Pzoh (08/11/2012 00:20:15)
It's probably a sign that you should try to catch yourself when you write chapters or this could happen. And buy amazing antivirus software. (Or not.)
Scaldaver (08/12/2012 19:04:05)
I hate those frightening dreams where you can do nothing to help yourself… just like trying to run but yo go too slow…if that ever happens, god bless us all…
Scaldaver (08/12/2012 19:04:11)
I hate those frightening dreams where you can do nothing to help yourself… just like trying to run but yo go too slow…if that ever happens, god bless us all…
i-lumos (08/14/2012 22:24:56)
Oh butterfree, you got my hopes up real high about reading the final chapter in the next 5 minutes. You and your subconscious are both trolls.
??? (10/15/2012 12:58:34)
Hmmmm… well, id like to read that final chapter so much, but it would be strange if that did happen. It would be so funny though! I spoil myself with everything i can, so i would probably read it anyway, but dreams, dreams, and dreams inside of dreams *says dreams inside of dreams eternally* are funny. sorry for the long comment, i get exited when i get to talk to people ^_^;
Fox McCloud/Poketoa (10/18/2012 23:47:18)
Oh man. It's been ages and pfffff

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