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07/21/2011: Molzapart and Rainteicune + character rambles

I randomly made a new page for Molzapart and Rainteicune, with all-new author commentary (the old one had far too many emoticons and unnecessary comments for my current tastes) and a fancy feature to toggle the commentary on or off.

Also, I updated a few character bios that I'd meant to update before but for some reason didn't: I added some rambling about Stantler on the page for May's Pokémon and updated May's ramble with recent developments. (If you haven't seen the updated Letaligon ramble, that's on the page for Mark's Pokémon, too.)


Ninjask (07/21/2011 12:38:09)
Hmmmmmmm….. I detect a slight change in writing style since writing that.
Linds (07/22/2011 02:00:45)
Darn, I quite liked the old commentary.
Pure Umbreon (07/24/2011 20:00:23)
My thoughts exactly, Linds. There was some things taken out that I can remember laughing my head off to. "That brat is SPOILED" being the first thing to come to my mind. However, some of the new comments had me laughing all over again, so I am not too upset.

Updated character bios for May were appreciated. Thank you, Butterfree.
Everglider (07/31/2011 20:19:24)
The old wuns were funnier :'(
LynxRunner (08/04/2011 20:04:26)
Would you happen to have a copy of the old Icelandic version of this? I dabble in Icelandic and I always looked forward to reading Molzapart and Raintecune in Icelandic. Who needs the sagas?
Butterfree (08/04/2011 22:32:10)
Well, for one thing it was only the Molzapart half and for another it was a very exact translation from the English, so it really wouldn't be very illuminating. But it's still there with the old commentary if you really want to see it, after the English version.
Ninjask (08/19/2011 20:47:54)
Why don't you do commentary for older versions of the Quest For Legends? It would be interesting to see your views on older versions of the story you're writing(E.g., why you chose to add and cut some bits).
Butterfree (08/20/2011 00:31:33)
Largely it would just be more of the same snark as the M&R commentary, so it seems rather unnecessary. Plus, when I finish the fic I'm probably going to do some silly commentary on the ILCOE that would tackle the actually-giving-interesting-information part.
Mockingjay (09/04/2011 03:02:04)
I actually like the new commentary. I thought it was pretty funny.
Pantsamamder (11/23/2011 02:47:51)
Well . . . the commentary and story made me laugh, especially since I've read so many MSTs. It reminds me of when I was eight and made a horrible story about an Eevee who didn't know what to evolve into and fused with Missingno to make the glitch-type.

I liked the part where Charlie burned Alan's shirt and he didn't care and went home.

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