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12/30/2007: Forum integrated with comments

The forum has now been fully integrated with the comment system, which was completely rewritten for the occasion (not that it looks very different to you who are just looking at it). It should also be faster now, because the old one was pretty badly coded. I guess I'll be replacing the guestbook on the main site with this new faster and better (not to mention not written in VBScript) system now.

But yeah, basically you can now submit "verified comments" if you're logged in, saving you from having to type in your name and e-mail address every time and allowing you to edit your comments. And now I'm starting to think I should merge the forum navigation and ordinary site navigation somehow so that both are shown on every page. Hmm. Opinions on that?

Integration with the Quest Blog should be coming soon.

Oh, yeah, and I also added a user list for the forum, and the feature to e-mail forgotten passwords.


Butterfree (12/30/2007 00:00:00)
Butterfree (12/30/2007 00:00:00)
Okay, I think the integration with the blog is working. It's not as neat as the comment system (the blog system makes it a little difficult to include comment editing and such) but at least you can verify your identity without having to type in everything every time you comment.
elyvorg (12/30/2007 00:00:00)
Awesome! :)
Nostalgia (12/30/2007 00:00:00)
COOL! I like Butterfree's updates to her handcoded forum. Nice job!

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