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03/15/2010: Chapter 52 up

Chapter 52: The League Finals is up. Enjoy.

Thanks go to opaltiger for beta-reading it. As I've been saying, chapter 53 is likely to be quick, so expect it soon.


Pure Umbreon (03/15/2010 21:56:17)
Yay! it is finally here!

… and, yet again, my pre-chapter speculations didn't come true. ah well. Still an awesome chapter! =D Top 5 all time chapters, even.
Negrek (03/15/2010 22:29:28)
Is Sciztwo's crabhammer a reference to that one fanfic from… PFU, I think it was, where somebody actually had a scizor that used crabhammer (and, of course, exploding charizard)?
Butterfree (03/15/2010 22:36:06)
It is. I just couldn't resist the temptation to put that in.

Although I think the exploding Charizard was in a different, older fic; I believe the Crabhammering Scizor was in something about a tournament where it used it to beat Steelix, while the exploding Charizard was (I think) used to escape from a Haunter (or many) in something involving breaking into a Team Rocket lab. I could be wrong.
Scyther (03/16/2010 00:05:20)
Most definitly my faverite chapter. Ever. If you'll excuse, I'll be in the bathroom, wiping the tears off my glasses.

(Shut up. That was ridiculously mean, Butterfree. May should strode across the arena and puched Taylor in the face.)
Steele (03/16/2010 00:49:15)

I wanted May to lose, but NOT TO A BASTARD LIKE TAYLOR!


Legendary line. But speech therapy… maybe, Tyranitar.
Leafpool (03/16/2010 01:30:25)
Robert Witham is officially awesome.
Scyther (03/16/2010 01:46:23)
Geese, the more I think about it, the more I just want to punch him into oblivion!

Darn it, Butterfree. You toss my emotions around like a ragdoll. Not that I'm the most emtionally sound person (you know that very well), but you are an exceptionally skilled writer. A thirteen year old's judgement might not be a lot to you, but I definitly see a great future for you.

Oh, and by the by, I just realized you never told me your shirt size
Pure Umbreon (03/16/2010 02:01:16)
I agree, scyther. I do not really care for May, but this chapter made me really interested to see how she ends up next chapter, poor girl.

You are a very talented writer, Butterfree, to get me to care wholeheartedly about a character I usually don't care about. I agree that you have a great future ahead of you.
Scyther (03/16/2010 02:25:29)
Really? I love May, probably to the point where she's my favorite character. It's funny when she's tries to express emotion that isn't anger, and the fact that broke into a house and assulted a police officer at the age of nine makes me want to hug her. I could go on, but I'm afraid I've gotten off topic.
Melodic Harmony (03/16/2010 03:07:53)
This chapter is the definition of epic, to the point that it's spurred me on to comment when I haven't done so in…years.

Tyranitar is probably going to go to one of two extremes - either crumble under pressure and request to not battle, or to be released, or he'll get back up and be the best fighter ever.

Taylor should be beaten to death by his own clones >.>
Steele (03/16/2010 03:35:31)
DIE TAYLOR DIE! I've never cried about May… I did a little here. (I usually cry when I read TFoaL, when Pearl gets killed. Poor Stormblade.) May seems better now… Still, I was expecting Tyranitar to say something more senseful. Then after the "I'M NOT WEAK" part I thought he was going to get up and kick Mewtwo^2's ass.

DGF: Butterfree didn't tell you her shirt size, but at least I told you mine!
Tiffano (03/16/2010 03:56:09)
Has Taylor always been such an oblivious jerk? o_o;;
Scyther (03/16/2010 04:10:30)
^Huh? What'd he do that was so oblivious and jerky this chapter? O_o He honestly didn't do anything but battle.
Butterfree (03/16/2010 04:51:45)
Speaking of Taylor, I just went and modified his bio a little. Mostly I added a paragraph on his participation in the League, but I also tweaked a lot of the rest to be clearer and less repetitive.
Emerald Espeon (03/16/2010 05:22:30)
Aw, this chapter made me feel so sad for Tyranitar D: Coincidentally, I have Tyranitar for the spammifier.

Great chapter, by the way.
Sands Buisle (03/16/2010 12:27:16)
I must say that that was direct cheating of nature, Psycic doesn't affect Dark types! It could be a 99999 Sp.Attack Psycic type using a 250 base power special Psycic move against a 1 Sp.Deffence Dark Type and still not affect! Taylor is a cheat!!!!

Nice chapter by the way, but Taylor's an even bigger cheater now.

Did I mention that Taylor's a cheat?
Venomoth (03/16/2010 16:36:24)
(You misspelled "stand"—as in trainer stand—as "staind", Butterfree.) Yes, Robert Witham is officially awesome, and Taylor is a cheat, but it still seems more realistic that he won anyway.
Leafpool (03/16/2010 18:57:39)
Tyranitar is awesome too. I officially love him.
darthjarjar (03/16/2010 20:33:08)
Umm just noticed this buut… Sciztwo uses 5 moves :P just saying..
Leafpool (03/16/2010 20:35:39)
Butterfree (03/16/2010 21:37:34)
Umm just noticed this buut… Sciztwo uses 5 moves :P just saying..
Oh, damn it. I can't believe these things slip through.
ShadowDusk (03/17/2010 00:25:31)
yay chap. 52 is up!
Tiffano (03/17/2010 01:24:37)
@Scyther: Sorry I forgot while I was posting that he couldn't hear the audience. But I still don't understand how someone can be so. . . unaware of how much they are hated. And I think it's jerky that he made Mewtwo^2 beat up poor Tyranitar D:
Joseph (03/17/2010 17:05:18)
Oh, damn it. I can't believe these things slip through.
Well, if he can hypotise the league officials into letting him use the super-clones, I suppose using an extra move isn't too big a problem. ;P
Tiffano (03/17/2010 23:51:01)
Or maybe in the next chapter they can use it against him so May can be the League Champion :D
Scyther (03/18/2010 02:02:47)
Did you add that 'extra scene' you were talking about in the previous post?
Butterfree (03/18/2010 07:41:52)
No; the extra scene was a bit about Mark catching up with May and so on, but it turned out that wasn't really leading towards an end, so I decided that would just go in chapter 53 instead.
GuppyForce (03/18/2010 15:39:50)
"Taylor was grinning like an idiot as he recalled Mewtwo²" LOL.

Anyway nice chapter. I kinda expected May to lose. Would be strange to continue with May being the Champion. But then what happens to Taylor *wonders*
GuppyForce (03/18/2010 15:41:50)

Ash cheats too. His electric attacks have hit ground types quite a few times in the anime ;)
Bloom (03/27/2010 00:39:21)
Oh my gosh. Taylor is so cheap! You can't use psychic on dark type! Wtf!!!
Sands Buisle (04/01/2010 13:54:06)
I just realised, but Robin's Charizard used five moves as well, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Air Slash and Fly against Floatzel, and Focus Blast on Tyranitar.
Butterfree (04/01/2010 14:52:24)
It didn't actually use Fly; it just flew up to dodge attacks.

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