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03/12/2010: Status Update

I always find it sort of unsettling when I reread something I wrote that seemed awful at the time but see nothing wrong with it anymore. I always get this paranoid feeling that my original assessment was during a rare moment of clarity about my own lack of writing ability and normally I'm just blind to it.

At any rate, I'm over the non-writing-mood, apparently everything I wrote during it wasn't as bad as I thought it was (maybe), and my current estimate places the final length of the chapter at something like twenty-two or twenty-three pages. So yeah.


Sands Buisle (03/12/2010 11:02:39)
That's good! Can't wait for the chapter.

It also appears that I'm first!
Leafpool (03/12/2010 11:39:31)
How many pages do you have now?
Happy (03/12/2010 11:40:59)
Hahaha, no I get that feeling all the time, with both my fics and art. (Except I don't finish writing nearly as often.) I think it's just getting sick of not being able to convey that exact image in your head, but when you return with a fresh mind, you end up piecing together what you did, and accepting it as your original intentions instead.
Anyway, if all those past paranoia attacks show anything, we certainly don't notice any drop in quality! ;D Hope you complete the chapter in good spirits!
Butterfree (03/12/2010 12:13:23)
How many pages do you have now?
Seventeen, as my forum signature says (you know, I really should implement this into the Quest Blog somehow, come to think of it).
Phyro Phantom (03/12/2010 15:42:07)
22 or 23 pages? Wow that's quite a chapter… xD
Pure Umbreon (03/12/2010 22:26:02)
Quite a chapter indeed! I am really eager to read this chapter now… even though I shouldn't base my opinions of a chapter by length… I find myself doing it anyway.
Steele (03/14/2010 04:55:21)

Interesting… a fair sized chapter. I hope May loses!
Sands Buisle (03/14/2010 15:35:44)
I hope that they'll sense another legendary when May's in a battle, that'll be funny!
SilverLatios47 (03/15/2010 08:52:20)
[random thoughts]
I think may will own her battle near the beginning but then get creamed and she's at her last Pokemon when something /huge/ happens, one of the legendaries(or maybe the *ahem* Waraider herd bursts into the battle scene, or at least something that prevents May from losing when she's about to lose(which saves her prider from getting murdered).
[/random thoughts]
I /really/ can't wait until the next chapter D:

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