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12/15/2007: Writing chapter 37 again

Took a break from The Fall of a Leader to actually write some of the real deal, The Quest for the Legends itself. I actually managed to get a bit on with chapter 37. It is now on the tenth page, and damn, it's going to end up freakishly long if this keeps up. Stupid battles.

But at least I'm getting on with it somewhat. Yay?

Okay, fine. You get a preview, since you've had to wait so long. This is all stuff I've been writing tonight, except for the first couple of lines.

“So,” Alan said after a short silence. “What do we do to pass the time?”

Mark shrugged. “We could continue that battle we started earlier today.”

“Oh, yeah,” Alan replied. “That. Sure.”

There were no floor markings in the room, but Mark just walked to the other end of it, closer to the door, and faced Alan. “Okay. We start again where we left off, right? Same rules and same Pokémon?”


Alan plucked a Pokéball from his belt and sent out Charlie. Mark watched the Charizard stretch and felt for his own Pokéballs with his hand. There was no pool to send out Gyarados – and he wasn’t sure if he’d have wanted to use Gyarados even if he could. The next best thing, then, was electricity.

“Go, Jolteon!” Mark shouted as he threw the Pokéball forward. Jolteon materialized on the floor and looked at Charlie as the dragon Pokémon kicked off the ground.

“Scary Face!” Alan ordered, and Charlie’s draconic face twisted into something demonic: his eyes rolled back into his head, his mouth opened creepily wide, his fangs seemed to lengthen…

Mark saw Jolteon flinch. “Don’t let it get to you,” he muttered to his Pokémon despite himself being uncomfortably reminded of a horror movie he had watched in a burst of rebelliousness sometime when he was little and his parents were out. “Thunderbolt!” he said more loudly.

“Charlie, Fire Spin!” Alan countered. Mark looked down at Jolteon, but the Pokémon hesitated with a quiet whine of fear while the Charizard took a deep breath and flew towards him. Charlie flew in a rapid circle around Jolteon, spinning a wall of flame in his path; Jolteon whimpered somewhere in the middle of the flames.

“Fire Fang!”

The dragon Pokémon began to dive down through the flames, more fire licking his teeth, and Mark quickly took out the empty Pokéball. “Jolteon, return!”

Nothing happened, and Mark looked in confusion between the Pokéball and the two Pokémon, barely visible through the flames; he saw Charlie bite Jolteon’s side with white-hot fangs while the panicking Electric Pokémon yelped. Then the dragon let out a roar of pain, falling backwards and landing harshly on the ground as his muscles convulsed in electric shock.

“Fire Spin blocks the Pokéball beam,” Alan called helpfully. “Are they both all right?”

Oh, yeah. Fire Spin. Those moves. Mark vaguely remembered the class on trapping moves. He hadn’t been listening, but the Moltres he’d been drawing had been great.
As you can tell, I was in some major make-Mark-connect-everything-with-random-memories-made-up-on-the-spot mood.


Joe, the Talking Mr. Mime (12/15/2007 00:00:00)
You made Charlie seem like he was being possessed by the devil. Great work though! =)
Butterfree (12/15/2007 00:00:00)
Well, it had to be something really scary, didn't it, not just making some ordinary face. :P

That and I just saw Beowulf and was under a bit of influence from the scene where the queen in his dream grew fangs and turned into a monster. First "scary face" that popped into my head.
Mythia (12/15/2007 00:00:00)
I like the description of scary face. Your attack descriptions are very cool.
Bob (12/15/2007 00:00:00)
'Despite himself being uncomfortably reminded of a horror movie he had watched in a burst of rebelliousness sometime when he was little and his parents were out.' XD How long until it's out? *wants to read*

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