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07/27/2009: Volcaryu style WIP (and more)

Volcaryu style at the moment.

I'm not especially fond of it, but eh. Opinions and suggestions would be nice. Do navigate around the minipage a bit to see how different things look.

I slightly modified Polaryu's sprite because a couple of things about it have always bugged me and Polaryu is next up for tracing:

What changed, since you probably won't notice it, is the shape of the near hind leg and the crystals on that leg and the near front leg. Nothing big, but I think they look a little more natural now, at least.

Still writing the ILCOE character bios; I've done Mark, May and Alan's bios and am currently creating the combined bio for Mark's Pokémon. The character ramble here is already longer than the character rambles for all three human characters, and all I've talked about so far is Scyther and in just how many ways he is the best thing ever to happen to The Quest for the Legends. Ehehe.

I'm on the third page of chapter 49 now. Hopefully I'll get going with it now.


SilverLatios47 (07/28/2009 01:21:08)
But we all want to hear about the awesomeness of Scyther.
Thunderyu style burned my eyes, but only because my monitor lightens all the colors on it O_o
Volcaryu wasn't what I expected either, I'm so used to the other links being on the right side, it gives a sense of 'balance' which is really silly for me to complain about, even though I'm so used to it on other sites… The sprite traces themself are something, they look nice, but I'm not feeling the whole 'evil' vibe from them, especially Volcaryu. Yeah, he looks feirce, but not so much as evil and mindlessly intent on killing the other dragons. I pictured the banner "The Quest for the Legends" Would be some-what 'on top' of the dragons, as in the sprite-traces were larger, and behind the words. you shouldn't change it to suit my imagination, though, these are just some of the ideas I have…
Regardless of my nitpickings, I really like the smoothness of it, and the different banner fonts for the styles. I can't wait to see the final versions and read your scyther-filled rambles. Oh, and the next chapter, too. xD
Emerald Espeon (07/28/2009 02:47:34)
I agree with SilverLatios that Volcaryu doesn't look as fierce as you'd think he would.

But I really like the Volcaryu style, much more than the Thunderyu style…but what bugs me is how on both styles in the forum the dates are written in lowercase :P I guess I don't really care, though. And it's also kind of annoying how the Forum link is on top of Volcaryu's tail (at least on my computer) so it's hard to see…but then again if that's just because of my computer resolution then there's really nothing you can do about it :S
Butterfree (07/28/2009 03:14:48)
but what bugs me is how on both styles in the forum the dates are written in lowercase :P
That's because that's on my computer, which is set to Icelandic; we don't capitalize the names of months. Once on this server, the dates will look exactly like they do right now - I didn't change anything about that.

Yeah, the links go on top of Volcaryu in very low resolutions; I liked the look of them too much to move them elsewhere, though, and I've yet to find a workaround. :/

The sprite traces themself are something, they look nice, but I'm not feeling the whole 'evil' vibe from them, especially Volcaryu. Yeah, he looks feirce, but not so much as evil and mindlessly intent on killing the other dragons.
You'd need a much, much more talented artist than me to try to make them expressive. All I can do is make something that has approximately the right shape; I'd make them look barking mad and about to tear each other apart if I could, but the problem is that I can't and am stuck with just trying to trace the sprites into something that looks more or less not demented.
SilverLatios47 (07/28/2009 04:47:04)
I was poking around on the Quest Blog in prototype Volcaryu style, and when i clicked on the ninth page, there were TWO Volcaryus in the upper-left corner. this stayed the same as i went through the pages of the quest blog, but it went back to normal when I clicked on the Chapters page.
Small glitch? O_o
piplup165 (07/28/2009 14:22:27)
I was wondering about a couple things related to the styles. When they are put up, will they replace Chalenor and Chaletwo styles? Which one will be the automatic one? Will one day, when I go to TQFtL, one of those styles just pop up instead of Chaletwo? It's confusing me.
Butterfree (07/28/2009 14:27:20)
Yes, those styles will replace the Chalenor and Chaletwo ones. Right now Thunderyu style is the default.
elyvorg (07/29/2009 15:23:47)
Yay for Volcaryu looking somewhat badass rather than like he's dancing. And I also like how the pale-orange-on-black means it doesn't hurt my eyes like white-on-black always seems to.

I really, really want to read these rambles.
ShadowDusk (07/31/2009 00:04:57)
cool keep it up.
Lugia (07/31/2009 12:38:00)
I like the three dragons =3 especially Thunderyu, I just wish they were more wise serpents than crazy killing freaks… meh, can't have everything ;) great job.
SilverLatios47 (08/09/2009 22:24:41)
I've just realized that Thunderyu is underneath the words in the middle, and Volcaryu is to the far left. This on purpose?
Also, when you work on the other new styles, with the ones inthe link update? Please excuse my being a computer noob, but I'm wondering.
Butterfree (08/09/2009 22:42:04)
Yes, the layouts have them in different places.

And yes, when I work on the styles, they'll automatically be updated on that. That's basically the test server where everything is before I upload it to the actual site.
opaltiger (08/12/2009 02:03:53)
Is that seriously Papyrus?
Caldazar Atreides (09/23/2009 04:02:17)
These dragon styles are replacing Chalenor and Chaletwo? That's unfortunate, as I really enjoy Chalenor style. He seemed to just fit right, actually a part of the title. Volcaryu style just seems . . . unbalanced.

I like the combination of colors though. For me, it's easier to read light-colored text on a dark background (on a monitor anyway).

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